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本研究主要係探討職業災害勞工受傷後到其職業重建前、職業重建中,及職業重建後等三階段的歷程。透過質性研究方法,以半結構訪談題綱蒐集5位職業災害勞工的歷程,為豐富研究資料,另輔以訪談2位專業人員,並以電腦軟體NVivo第10版,進行資料質性研究分析,結果如下: 一、職業重建前:(一)職業災害勞工發生職業災害後多為負面情緒,但研究中有發現轉念的重要和影響,(二)職業災害發生之後,多數勞工並不瞭解自身的權益;對於「職業重建」這個詞及所能給予的協助亦多不瞭解。 二、職業重建歷程:(一)醫療單位系統接個案有其認定條件,多以回原職場或原職務設定,因此對象多為輕度或無身障手冊或證明,且以肢障者為主,以工作強化為主;較少做追蹤與轉介至職業重建中心的作法,(二)需要職業重建中心的職重服務者,若未具身心障礙手冊(證明),仍無法如願只能透過一般的就業服務,但那樣服務深度是不夠的;(三)勞政單位的職業災害個案主動服務計畫(FAP)人員提供職業災害勞工的服務,多屬職業重建前端的權益維護項目;FAP單位亦很少銜接至後端的職業重建;職業災害勞工在些階段的經驗,頗期待勞政單位的專業知識與熱忱的服務,(四)民間單位的角色與FAP單位類似,但服務的夥伴關係較紮實,職業災害勞工有感。 三、職業重建後歷程:(一)「職業重建」告一段落後,職業災害勞工仍需職業重建或相關的協助;(二)民間單位相較於政府單位,在結案後,有持續提供勞工後續的關懷或服務,足以讓勞工感念(三)除政府、民間等專業人員及家人的協助與關心外,職場的多元支持亦是重要的。 關鍵字:勞工、職業災害勞工、職業重建、重建、復工
The purpose of this study was to examine experiences of vocational rehabilitation after occupational injuries. Data was collected via in-depth interviews of five injured workers and two vocational rehabilitation professionals, qualitative data were analyzed by NVivo version 10. The results were as follows: 1. Pre-rehabilitation period: (a) After being injured at the workplace, most workers exhibited negative emotions, however, some of them were turning their mind to positive thought during the adjustment. That was an important turning point to establish beneficial outcomes. (b) Most injured workers did not known their own rights and the meaning of “vocational rehabilitation”. 2. Rehabilitation period: (a) Medical or hospital system preferred to take cases with mild injury than severe injury or those with only physical injury. Above system focused on helping workers returning to the same job or the same workplace position, while less emphasized on following up and Referrals to vocational rehabilitation. (b) Vocational rehabilitation system only accepted people with certificates of disabilities. For workers without certificates of disabilities, they could only take services from the public employment system. The services from the public employment system was not enough for those workers. (c) Government FAP system emphasized assistances on injured workers’ right than vocational rehabilitation. (d) Some nonprofit private sectors also provided services like FAP’. Alliance relationship was much easier to establish between nonprofit private sectors and injured workers. 3. Post-rehabilitation period: (a) Some of injured workers needed continued assistances after rehabilitation services. (b) Non-profit private sectors provided did following up assistances to injured workers more than other systems. (c) Supports from government, social workers, families, and workplace’ co-workers were also needed and important for injured workers. Key words: employee, occupational injured worker, vocational rehabilitation, rehabilitation, return to work



勞工, 職業災害勞工, 職業重建, 重建, 復工, employee, occupational injured worker, vocational rehabilitation, rehabilitation, return to work

