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本研究旨在以層級結構分析漢語中結果複合動詞(Resultative verb compounds, RVCs)的動貌。結果複合動詞是由兩個元素組成的複合詞。根據Li& Thompson (1989)的研究,漢語結果複合動詞的第一個組成元素(V1)通常為表示動作或狀態的動詞,第二個組成元素(V2)則表示該動作的結果。以往的研究對結果複合動詞的動貌分類有不同的看法。Tai(1984)指出,由於漢語結果複合動詞無法與進行貌(progressive aspect)同時出現,因此需歸類為達成動詞(achievements)。然而,Smith(1997)認為結果複合動詞與完成動詞(accomplishments)更類似,因為 V1所傳達的動作過程不能與V2傳達的動作結果分開。同時,大多數文獻也未能合理分析程度達成動詞(degree achievement verbs, DA verbs)。程度達成動詞為一種表達狀態變化的動詞,在漢語中經常以結果複合動詞的形式出現。為了解決程度達成動詞的分類問題,Hay et al.(1999) 提出了層級結構,而該方法也為Peck et al.(2013)所採用來針對漢語動詞進行動貌分類,其中也包含結果複合動詞。然而,儘管層級結構已被Peck et al. 證明能夠辨識出漢語中的程度達成動詞,他們對結果複合動詞的分析仍存在一些不足之處。因此,本論文利用層級結構來研究結果複合動詞,並詳細分析結果複合動詞補語的層級特性。本研究指出,根據結果複合動詞補語(即V2)的有界性和持續性,漢語結果複合動詞的動貌可依層級結構分為五類:開放結果複合動詞(open-scale RVC)、下封閉結果複合動詞(lower-closed-scale RVC)、上封閉結果複合動詞(upper-closed-scale RVC)、完全封閉結果複合動詞(totally-closed-scale RVC)和兩點封閉結果複合動詞(two-point closed-scale RVC)。它們的層級屬性可以從進行貌標誌「正在」、否定蘊涵測驗、程度型問句(how-questions)以及與層級相關的修飾語,如「很」和「完全」中觀察到。分析結果也顯示,結果複合動詞中存在著內部差異,因此需要將它們分類並個別對待。
The present study aims to analyze the aspectual properties of resultative verb compounds (hereafter RVCs) in Mandarin Chinese based on the scale structure. A resultative verb compound is a verbal compound composed of two components. The first component (V1) is usually a verb indicating an action or a state, and the second component (V2) normally signals some result of the action or process denoted by the first element (Li& Thompson 1989: 54-55). Previous studies have different opinions about the aspectual classification of RVCs. Tai (1984) states that as Mandarin RVCs are incompatible with the progressive aspect, RVCs are more comparable to achievements. However, Smith (1997: 288) suggests that RVCs share more similarities with accomplishments, as the process denoted by V1 cannot be detached from the outcome expressed by V2. Moreover, most literature fails to account for the degree achievement (hereafter DA) verbs as well, which is a type of verb that does not necessarily involve a natural endpoint but indicates a change (Hay et al. 1999) and often appears in the form of RVC. To cope with the problem of DA verbs, Hay et al. propose the scale structure, and this approach is applied by Peck et al. (2013) to classify Mandarin verbs, including RVCs. Although the scale structure enables Peck et al. to identify DA verbs in Mandarin, their analysis on RVCs still has some inadequacies. Therefore, this present study aims to fill the research gap by adopting the scale structure to analyze RVCs, putting great focus on the scalar properties of the resultative complements.This study proposes that Mandarin RVCs can be aspectually categorized into five sub-classes based on the boundedness and the punctuality of the resultative complements (i.e., V2): open-scale RVCs, lower-closed-scale RVCs, upper-closed-scale RVCs, totally-closed-scale RVCs, and two-point closed-scale RVCs. The analysis shows that their scalar attributes are observable from the use of the progressive marker zhengzai, the negation entailment test, how-questions, scale-related modifier hen ‘very’, and wanquan ‘completely’. The analysis demonstrates that there are internal differences within RVCs, and it is not appropriate to treat them as a single aspectual class.
The present study aims to analyze the aspectual properties of resultative verb compounds (hereafter RVCs) in Mandarin Chinese based on the scale structure. A resultative verb compound is a verbal compound composed of two components. The first component (V1) is usually a verb indicating an action or a state, and the second component (V2) normally signals some result of the action or process denoted by the first element (Li& Thompson 1989: 54-55). Previous studies have different opinions about the aspectual classification of RVCs. Tai (1984) states that as Mandarin RVCs are incompatible with the progressive aspect, RVCs are more comparable to achievements. However, Smith (1997: 288) suggests that RVCs share more similarities with accomplishments, as the process denoted by V1 cannot be detached from the outcome expressed by V2. Moreover, most literature fails to account for the degree achievement (hereafter DA) verbs as well, which is a type of verb that does not necessarily involve a natural endpoint but indicates a change (Hay et al. 1999) and often appears in the form of RVC. To cope with the problem of DA verbs, Hay et al. propose the scale structure, and this approach is applied by Peck et al. (2013) to classify Mandarin verbs, including RVCs. Although the scale structure enables Peck et al. to identify DA verbs in Mandarin, their analysis on RVCs still has some inadequacies. Therefore, this present study aims to fill the research gap by adopting the scale structure to analyze RVCs, putting great focus on the scalar properties of the resultative complements.This study proposes that Mandarin RVCs can be aspectually categorized into five sub-classes based on the boundedness and the punctuality of the resultative complements (i.e., V2): open-scale RVCs, lower-closed-scale RVCs, upper-closed-scale RVCs, totally-closed-scale RVCs, and two-point closed-scale RVCs. The analysis shows that their scalar attributes are observable from the use of the progressive marker zhengzai, the negation entailment test, how-questions, scale-related modifier hen ‘very’, and wanquan ‘completely’. The analysis demonstrates that there are internal differences within RVCs, and it is not appropriate to treat them as a single aspectual class.
結果複合動詞, 層級結構, 動貌, 漢語, resultative verb compounds (RVCs), scale structure, aspect, Mandarin Chinese