臺灣重製國外音樂劇之商業模式與行銷策略探討──以《I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change》英文版為例
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2021年由活性界面製作重製的外百老匯音樂劇《I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change》(以下簡稱《LPC》)英文版於南村劇場締造連演35場近乎場場完售的成績,而後音樂劇市場上陸續出現更多此類「授權引進,本土製作」的版權音樂劇,隔年2022年演出半年139場,在疫情尚未穩定的情況下仍打破臺灣音樂劇的長銷紀錄。研究者基於音樂劇市場發展趨勢、重製版權音樂劇帶來的效益及過往文獻上的缺口,而選擇以臺灣重製國外音樂劇為題,試探究其商業模式及行銷策略,並以首例長銷成功獲利的《LPC》英文版作為個案研究對象。本研究為質性研究,採取半結構式深度訪談法,透過訪談《LPC》英文版製作人、具有重製國外音樂劇經驗之專業人士,以及《LPC》英文版重複消費之核心購票觀眾,梳理出其製作脈絡、商業模式及行銷策略,進一步探究重製國外版權音樂劇對臺灣音樂劇市場的影響。研究結果發現,臺灣重製國外音樂劇的長銷商業模式已開發出來,但仍須持續驗證,且「關鍵合作夥伴」在長銷商業模式中扮演重要角色。在行銷策略方面發現,重製國外音樂劇可降低行銷成本,維持長銷的方法是「口碑行銷」、定期製造購票「飢餓感」以刺激票房,且不同「演員組合」是觀眾重複消費之關鍵。重製國外音樂劇對於臺灣表演藝術市場發展與團隊成長皆具有正面效益,期望此研究能夠提供未來臺灣藝文團隊在重製國外版權音樂劇做參考。
The English version of the off-Broadway musical"I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" (hereinafter referred to as "LPC"), reproduced by Activa Productions had been performed 35 times in a row at the PLAYground Theater in Taiwan in 2021; the tickets were nearly sold out every time. "LPC" was further performed 139 times within 6 months in 2022. It had broken the record of long-term sales in the Taiwanese musical market, even under the uncertainty of COVID-19. Since then, more copyrighted musicals of this kind, namely “licensed local reproductions of foreign musicals”, appeared in the market.Based on the rising trend of the development in the musical theater market, the benefits of licensed reproduction of copyrighted musicals, and the lack of previous studies, the researchers chose the topic of foreign musical reproductions in Taiwan, explore their business model and marketing strategy, and focus on the first successful case: The English version of"LPC". This is a qualitative study by adopting a semi-structured and in-depth interview method. Through interviews with "LPC" producer, experts in reproducing foreign musicals, and the audiences who have watched "LPC" for many times, we analyze the production context, the business model, and the marketing strategy of the reproduction of "LPC" and further explore the impact of musical reproduction to the musical market in Taiwan. The research reveals that the long-term sales business model of the licensed local reproduction of foreign musicals has been well developed and has shown positive results in the early stage, but it still needs to be continuously monitored."Key partners" plays an important role in the business model. In terms of marketing strategies, reproducing foreign musicals can reduce marketing costs. The methods to maintain long-term sales are word-of-mouth and regular hunger marketing. Different "actor combinations" is the key reason for repeated returns of the audience. Reproducing foreign musicals has positive benefits for both the development of the market and the growth of artists in Taiwan’s performing arts. This study provides future reference for Taiwanese teams in reproducing foreign copyrighted musicals.
The English version of the off-Broadway musical"I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" (hereinafter referred to as "LPC"), reproduced by Activa Productions had been performed 35 times in a row at the PLAYground Theater in Taiwan in 2021; the tickets were nearly sold out every time. "LPC" was further performed 139 times within 6 months in 2022. It had broken the record of long-term sales in the Taiwanese musical market, even under the uncertainty of COVID-19. Since then, more copyrighted musicals of this kind, namely “licensed local reproductions of foreign musicals”, appeared in the market.Based on the rising trend of the development in the musical theater market, the benefits of licensed reproduction of copyrighted musicals, and the lack of previous studies, the researchers chose the topic of foreign musical reproductions in Taiwan, explore their business model and marketing strategy, and focus on the first successful case: The English version of"LPC". This is a qualitative study by adopting a semi-structured and in-depth interview method. Through interviews with "LPC" producer, experts in reproducing foreign musicals, and the audiences who have watched "LPC" for many times, we analyze the production context, the business model, and the marketing strategy of the reproduction of "LPC" and further explore the impact of musical reproduction to the musical market in Taiwan. The research reveals that the long-term sales business model of the licensed local reproduction of foreign musicals has been well developed and has shown positive results in the early stage, but it still needs to be continuously monitored."Key partners" plays an important role in the business model. In terms of marketing strategies, reproducing foreign musicals can reduce marketing costs. The methods to maintain long-term sales are word-of-mouth and regular hunger marketing. Different "actor combinations" is the key reason for repeated returns of the audience. Reproducing foreign musicals has positive benefits for both the development of the market and the growth of artists in Taiwan’s performing arts. This study provides future reference for Taiwanese teams in reproducing foreign copyrighted musicals.
音樂劇, 重製, 授權, 商業模式, 行銷策略, musicals, reproductions, licensed, business model, marketing strategy