中學地理教科書地名資料庫與Web Service建立之研究

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為了提升目前地理教科書地名資料的可尋性,本研究以現行國內各版本的中學地理教科書的地圖內的地名為資料來源,建立具地理座標與中英地名對照的中學地理科的地名資料庫,並結合Web Service技術,來實現地名資料的查詢與分享。採用KML為地名資料的分享格式,因KML能夠適合展現大量地名,並結合資料庫與適量載入地名,也能優先載入重要地名,而KML在Google Earth上有良好的展示效果,也能在其他地理資訊軟體上使用。 此外,以收集的地名譯名資料的所見之歧異來討論地理教科書地名譯名的相關問題,而各版本中學地理科教科書地名譯名仍有部分是一地多譯名或與國立編譯館公告譯名相異。各版本教科書商、作者群、審查委員與國立編譯館應設法改善中學地理科的地名譯名使用上的統一。
In order to improve the findability of geographical names in current geography textbooks, this study created the Secondary School Geography Textbooks Geographical Names Database out of the geographical names of maps in geography textbooks currently adopted in domestic secondary schools. The database consists of geographical coordinates and geographical names with Chinese-English correspondence. Armed with the Web Service technology, it aims to facilitate geographical-name search and information sharing. The KML format was implemented for the information sharing as it allows tremendous display of geographical names, combination with databases, appropriate amounts of loading geographical names, and prior loading of important names. Moreover, KML has proved applicable on Google Earth and is worth applying to other geographical information software, too. Based on the inconsistency of geographical-name translations garnered in the database, issues regarding geographical-name translations in geography textbooks were discussed. This study concluded that some of the geographic-name translations are varied among the current textbooks or divergent from the translations issued by the National Institute for Compilation and Translation. In light of this, the study suggested that the textbook publishers, authors, reviewers and the National Institute for Compilation and Translation collaborate to achieve the unity of geographical-name translations in geography textbooks.



地名資料庫, 地理教科書, KML, 地名譯名, 谷歌地球, Web Service, geographic names database, Geography textbooks, KML, geographical-name translation, Google Earth, Web Service





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