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本研究旨在探討學生經由TGfU應用於TPSR的學習效果、學生對上課情形的知覺及教師在歷程中的省思。參與研究學生為新北市某國中八年級15位學生。採「行動研究」設計進行12節TGfU應用於TPSR教學。量化資料蒐集,以比賽表現評量工具及個人與社會責任自陳量表進行教學前、後測驗,所得資料採相依樣本t考驗。質性資料蒐集方法為教師教學日誌、學生學習日誌與學生訪談資料,資料採持續比較法進行分析,暸解教師教學歷程中發現、修正及發展策略與學生知覺。所得結果:1.學生比賽表現(t=3.9, p<.05)有顯著差異。2.學生個人與社會責任表現(t=0.291, p<.05)未達顯著差異。3.學生知覺到樂於從事責任學習,學到比賽概念、合作與領導進而課後自主練習。4.教師教學中發現問題及解決策略;(1)學生未能專心傾聽:輔以白板說明增加視覺學習。(2)學生書寫學習日誌內容貧乏:課堂強調關鍵內容並約法三章。(3)學生於比賽後尚不能掌握學習重點:教師引導重點並使用練習卡。(4)學生對比賽不積極時:建立獎懲制度。結論為實施理解式教學應用於個人與社會責任模式能促進學生比賽表現並提升責任表現,學生樂於從事課程學習,也助於教師專業知能提升。建議體育教師實施TGfU應用於TPSR教學以落實品德教育,促進課後自主練習,過程中逐步賦權。師資培育機構針對職前增加教學課程及在職推廣研討與計畫。未來研究增加系統觀察評量工具類目及應用刺激回憶訪談法,進一步瞭解學生在教學過程中學習的變化、學生知覺的改變。
The purpose of this study was to examine student’s learning effects, student’s perception towards learning process, and teacher’s reflection dring basketball teaching through Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) on Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility model(TPSR) . The participants were fifteen 8th graders at New Taipei City. Action research approach was adopted to conduct 12 basketball lessons, Quantitative data were collected using Games Performance Assessment Inventory (GPAI) and Personal and Social Responsibility self-report Questionnaire(PSRQ). Pre- and posttests were admininistered and data were analysed using paired t test. The qualitative data were collected from teacher teaching logs, student learning logs and students interviews and analyzed using the constant comparison method to understand the teaching process, modification, strategies develpoment and student perceptions. Results: 1. Student’s competitions performance (t = 3.9, p<.05) was significantly different. 2. Student’s personal and social responsibility performance (t = 0.291, p <.05) was not significantly different. 3. Student pervieved that they were happy to learn responsibility, the concept of competitions, cooperation and leadership, thus willing to practice independently after school. 4.Teachers encoutered problems and found coping strategies: (1) Students lacked of concentration on listening: Using with whiteboard explanation to increase visual learning. (2) Students lack of content in learning log writing: Classroom emphasized key elements in content and pledge. (3) The students could not grasp learning key points after the games : Instructor-led focus and used practice card. (4) Students were not actively engaged during the game: Create a reward system. Conclusion: The application of TGfU on TPSR could promote games performance and responsibility performance, students were delighted to learn in this model, also help in improving teacher’s professional knowledge. It was suggested that PE teachers use the application of TGfU on TPSR to implement moral education, promote independent practice after school, and gradually empower the students. Teacher training institutions should add this model to preservice teacher training and inserve professional development. Systematic observation assessments and stimulate recall interviews maybe used to further understand student’s perception and learning .



個人與社會責任模式, 理解式籃球教學法, 行動研究, Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model, Teaching Basketball for Understanding, Action Research





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