dc.contributor | 卜小蝶 | zh_TW |
dc.contributor.author | 林玉美 | zh_TW |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-08-29T06:42:18Z | |
dc.date.available | 2010-7-31 | |
dc.date.available | 2019-08-29T06:42:18Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2006 | |
dc.description.abstract | 圖書館館藏資源是圖書館經營的基礎,面對圖書出版品日增、期刊與服務價格上揚、圖書館管理經費緊縮、及讀者需求日益多元等,圖書館如何有效分配館藏資源經費,已面臨極大挑戰。首先在改制科技大學之前置作業上,不但因校地問題必須增資擴大所費不貲外,亦因學生樓地板問題可能首先面對減班,相對經費來源自然減少,其他各項軟硬體設備如必須爭取改制則必須投下大筆經費,若因改制後招生不足或一時無法平衡經費收支,無庸置疑,改制後的科技大學各項資源將遞減,科技大學圖書館面對學校因改制科大經營上可能會遭致經費來源的不確定,間接影響圖書館的經費分配。因此本研究主要在調查科技大學圖書館之館藏資源經費分配現況,並分析探討影響其經費分配之因素,最後並嘗試提出館藏資源經費分配之建議原則,以作為各校規劃或評鑑圖書館館藏資源之參考。 本研究主要採用問卷調查法,包括29所科技大學圖書館採訪組主任,並輔以深度訪談法,主要為教育部評鑑委員。研究結果顯示:(1)館藏資源經費來源:圖書館經費來源以教育部補助款及學校自備款為主,而館藏資源經費也多出自上述來源,各學校在圖儀設備費方面的編列來源大致相同。(2)編列方式:多數學校會計單位將圖書、期刊、電子資源經費科目編列於資本門,對圖書館而言因與其他設備並列資本門,容易導致經費緊縮排擠效應而刪減館藏資源經費。至於經費核撥方式,多數學校統一核撥給圖書館統籌運用。對館藏資源質與量不考量現有狀況,以經費多寡作分配比例,大多學學校圖書館仍會以書面個別通知系所單位所分配之經費。(3)幾乎所有科大圖書館都有擬訂館藏發展政策,但也絕大都數沒有在政策中訂明經費分配比例。對於明訂比例的圖書館而言,卻也多無法落實,其原因以教育部評鑑、系所院增加或減少、以及讀者要求而有所改變。至於經費分配比例對圖書館採訪工作的影響,調查的所有圖書館都認為可以約束力,減少讀者對採訪的紛爭,最重要的價值在於有助圖書館館藏的平衡成長,最大的阻礙在於無法滿足讀者的特殊需求。(4)影響經費分配的因素調查中,以圖書館館藏相關因素影響所佔重要性百分比最高,以組織相關因素次之,其他如館藏資源購置經費支用相關因素亦占極重要之影響。至於評鑑專家提出以學生人數(圖書館使用者相關因素)作為經費分配基礎,卻非重要影響因素。(5)評鑑專家所提出的看法,學校經費對圖書館的核撥與學校學雜費收入及重視與否有絕對的正相關,對於圖書館館藏資源經費的分配持有的觀念是,無所謂合理分配或是不合理分配,只有適用或是不適用於圖書館讀者,並且視讀者為第一考量。 針對本研究結果提出具體建議,提供後續參考:(1)圖書館館藏資源經費如何適當地編列於學校會計科目資經門(2)圖書館館藏資源經費分配如何與教學單位研究計畫作配合編列(3)圖書館配合館藏發展訂立經費政策(4)館藏資源使用率與經費分配原則問題(5)館藏資源投注的經費,以評鑑制度落實館藏結構(6)學校核撥館藏資源經費原則的制定(7)各校制訂聯合採購政策。 對於未來研究建議的部分,可以分別從研究議題:(1)分析館藏資源經費分配的因素,找出圖書、期刊、電子資源的經費分配公式的加權比重(2)將非書資料與圖書資料劃分清楚,以類別分析找出其相關經費來源,試著重新定義館藏資源經費分配(3)館藏資源經費統計標準制定及如何配合預算制度的編列(4)機構典藏制度可以為館藏資源經費分配不足或不均帶來何種優勢。 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | Collection has been always the base of library operations and management. Many university libraries have been facing a tremendous challenge on how to effectively allocate budget for collecting materials and resources due to publication boom, higher journal prices and service charges, budget constraint and diversity of users’ needs. For upgrading to a university, most of the schools have to invest a lot of money on enlarging the size of campus and enhancing the facilities of both software and hardware. It is possible happened that school still cannot attract students to enroll or balance the budget, even if school was upgraded to a university. Consequently, the budget allocation of library will be definitely and indirectly influenced by budget shrinking and uncertainty on sources of funding from school. Therefore, this article aims to survey the current status of budget allocation for collecting materials and resources in science and technology university libraries, and explore the factors of impact onto their budget allocation. Finally, some suggestions also made by this study on budget allocation of collecting materials and resources as a reference for all science and technology universities to establish and evaluate their library collections. The study primarily interviews head of acquisition division from 29 science and technology university libraries through questionnaire, and supplementary in-depth interview with several significant members of evaluation committee in the Ministry of Education. Five conclusions are proposed regarding the budget allocation:(1) Ministry of Education and university own budget are two major sources of funding for most of the science and technology university libraries (2) Most of the accounting department in school will treat spending on collections as capital expenditures, being squeezed by facilities and equipment expenditures in the same category (3) Despite most of science and technology libraries has collection development policy, little has specific budget allocation made. Even those with budget allocation have difficulties in implementing the goals. (4) Usage of previous year plays important role, among others, in deciding budget in the following year (5) An important concept from the interviews with advisors: the effectiveness of serving users’ needs is the key in budget allocation. This study provides references on the common issues identified as follows: (1) budget of collection categorized as capital expenditure (2) synchronization between collection budgets and academic curriculum development plans (3) library policy on budget setting (4) Correlation between budget allocation and historical usage (5) Evaluation on effectiveness of collection spending (6) principles of school budget control (3) Cross school collective acquisition As for future development reference, a few possible topics for further exploration: (1)analyzing weights on budgets for books, journals and electronics resources (2)separated from non-book budgets; aligning with sources of funding and exploring alternative budgeting process from goal setting to evaluation and identify advantages and dis-advantages (3)set statistical standards for collection budget and make it to comply with the budget system of school (4)explore the opportunities of whether IR can solve the problems of insufficiency or unevenness of budget allocation for collecting materialsand reources or not. | en_US |
dc.description.sponsorship | 社會教育學系 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier | GN0093023205 | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093023205%22.&%22.id.& | |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92238 | |
dc.language | 中文 | |
dc.subject | 館藏資源 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 經費分配 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 圖書採訪 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | 圖書館經費 | zh_TW |
dc.subject | collecting materials and resources | en_US |
dc.subject | allocate budget | en_US |
dc.subject | library acquisition | en_US |
dc.subject | library budget | en_US |
dc.title | 科技大學圖書館館藏資源經費分配之研究 | zh_TW |
dc.title | Study on the Budget Allocation of Collection Resources in Science and Technology University Libraries | en_US |