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教育實習是提供師資生將理論轉為實務之起步,透過反思思考將有助於促進教學專業成長。本研究旨在透過實習學生之體育課教學,探討個案實習學生 (PT) 、實習指導教師 (UT) 及實習輔導教師(CT) 對個案實習學生體育課授課影片之詮釋,瞭解不同觀點之間如何促使個案實習學生進行反思過程,藉以提升教師教學專業成長。研究方法以立意取樣選取一位高中體育科實習學生,透過課堂教學影片之蒐集,對個案實習學生、實習指導教授和實習輔導教師進行開放式訪談,針對課堂教學影片進行詮釋,提供個案實習教師做教學反省。資料處理採用持續比較法。研究結果發現:(一) 三人皆認同教學需要時間與經驗的養成,PT關注於班級經營、教師口語指令以及學生學習狀況;UT聚焦探討課程設計;CT從術科能力、班級經營到教學內容進行分享。(二) PT由自身經驗出發,對於UT觀點,由概念性的了解,並適度運用於教學;對CT的觀點,以模仿方式學習。PT整體考量因素包含學校文化、自身經驗、學生接受情形與教師角色定位。(三) 在整體教學專業發展部分,有效教學、班級經營、關注學生特質等層面的面相有拓展的情形;創新教學則在教學經驗累積後,開始調整教學內容的活動編排;教學目標是以概念性理解以及實務操作的方式,待累積更多教學經驗及認同教師角色定位時,再漸次發展。建議:(一) 研究面而言:提早研究時程,在大四階段即開始發展,促進三方的交流平台與教學輔導;再者,強化UT與CT之連結,完整三方之交流平台。(二) 實務面而言,實習輔導過程依據實習學生之特質,提供適性支援;第二:活用網路社群的即時性,消弭空間距離所帶來的教學實習輔導限制。
Practicum experience in teacher education has been recognized as a particular and complex period of pre-service teacher learning to teach from field experiences. However, the shortage of the shared vision on teacher education and incongruent thoughts about learning to teach were observed among the pre-service teacher (PT), university teachers (UT) and cooperating teacher (CT). The purpose of this study was to identify the mediation process on PT’s learning to teach through CT’s and UT’s interpretations of PT’s field teaching. Methods: the participant was 1 female ST and 22 lessons of instruction (50 minutes) were videotaped. Then the 22 videos were offered to PT, CT, and UT for interpreting and studying and followed by open-ended interviews about student-teacher’s field teaching. Semi-structured interviews were conducted 22 times with ST by offering different perspectives. Data was analyzed by constant comparison and checked by triangulation. Results: (1) They had the same perspectives that time and experience were the main elements of teaching. The different perspectives were that PT focused on class management, teacher’s verbal instruct and learning situation of students; UT focused on curriculum designed; CT focused on practical ability, class management and teaching. (2) Facing UT’s perspectives, PT connected from conceptual, and used on teaching moderated; to CT’s perspectives, PT learned from imitated. The essential factor of those perspectives came from school culture, experiences, learning constitution of students and role orientation of teacher. (3) In terms of teaching professional development, effective teaching, class management and students’ characteristics were observed its progress; innovative teaching appeared after teaching experiences, and started from teaching activity. Finally, suggestions were alsooffered in the study.



師資培育, 實習輔導制度, 教學專業發展, Physical education teacher education, Mentoring, Professional development





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