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摘 要 為探究1910-1937年期間,近代中國武術文化之變遷。本研究採歷史研究法與文化研究法,以歷史的時間為縱軸,以文化的價值觀、制度及器物為橫軸,將蒐集之史料,加以整理、分類、考證、解釋與批判,最後獲得以下結論: 一、在理論、價值、觀念層次上,傳統武術以「道」與「氣」、「天人合一」及「太極哲理」為基本理論;傳統武術以「形神統一說」、「反者道之動」及「陰陽學說」為基本原則。清末西洋體操與體育概念的傳入,加上舊有的傳統武術,導致彼此概念上糾纏不清,「新、舊」與「動、靜」思想論爭,隨後為發展方向而有「洋土體育」思想論爭,在論爭激盪中武術融會公平競爭、追求極限與客觀量化的觀念緩慢前進,也採借西方科學的理論和方法研究武術。 二、在規範、組織、制度層次上,傳統武術重視「尊師重道」的師承關係,各流派對授徒擇人均有嚴格規定,武德是以「禮」、「仁」為標尺,武術組織以「家族化」、尊祖、崇古、嫡長繼承、等級制度為宗法之特色。西式學校教育制度的建立,明文規定武術為學校體育課程內容之一。在大城市所建立的武術團體,武術組織逐漸系統化,而有明確的宗旨與章則,並朝向武術競技化和規則化的方向發展。 三、在外顯行為和器物層次上,傳統拳術種類繁多,如少林武術、武當武術、峨眉武術、內家拳、太極拳、形意拳、八卦掌、象形拳、南拳、長拳等拳種;武術器械多樣多式,如劍、刀、槍、棍等。西洋運動器物在中國發展過程迅速,武術器械隨地方性運動會的開展,逐級登上全國運動會,並單獨舉辦全國武術運動大會,舉行「國術國考」和「浙江國術游藝大會」等活動,將武術推向海外表演,促使武術邁向國際舞台。
Abstract The focus in the study was on the exploration of the transition of modern Chinese Wushu culture at the period of 1910-1937. Methods used were both historical research and cultural research, by the historical time as vertical axis, and cultural value, norm and material as horizontal axis. The following results were based on a collection of historical information, which have been arranged, classified, criticized, and explained. 1. At the level of theory, value and concept, the essential theories of traditional Wushu referred to “Morality”, “Breath”, “Combining Nature with Human into One” and “Tai-Chi Theory”, and the base principles included “Unity of Body-Spirit Theory”, “Development of Oppositional Morality” and “Yin-Yang Theory”. The perplexity between the two conceptions resulted from combination of western gymnastics and physical education introduced in the later Ching Dynasty, and existed traditional Wushu. The argued thoughts of “New& Old” and “Active & Static” subsequently became a developing direction, and brought the debated thoughts of “Western-Chinese Physical Education”. In a great stirring argument, Wushu gradually followed and grew by a road of fair play, pursuing for utmost, and idea of objective quantification. In addition, western science theories and methods were adopted for studying Wushu. 2. At the level of norm, organization and institution, traditional Wushu made much of the relationship between master and apprentice. Each school established its own regulations rigidly for instruction and choosing talents. Besides, “Li” and “Ren” were the standards of Wushu’s morality. The patriarchal characteristics of Wushu organization were “Wushu Clan”, respect for ancestors, traditional upholder, inheritance of the first son born of the legal wife of a man, and hierarchy. In the western school education institution, regulations of involving Wushu in the curricula of school physical education have been proclaimed in writing. In big cities, Wushu organizations tended to systematization. Each of them had specific aims and regulations, and the developing direction toward Wushu athletics and regularization. 3.At the level of apparent behaviors and materials, there was a variety of traditional Chinese boxing, such as Shao-lin martial art, Wu-dang martial art, Emei martial art, Nei-jia Chinese boxing, Tai-chiChinese boxing, Xing-yi Chinese boxing, Ba-gua palm, Pictograph Chinese boxing, Nan Chinese boxing, Chang Chinese boxing and so on. In addition, Wushu instruments also included various types, like sword, broadsword, spear, stick and so on. Western sport materials developed quickly in Chinese. Following with the development of local convention, Wushu instruments stepped on to national sport convention by degrees. Besides, “National Wushu Sport Convention”, “the Public Exam of Martial Arts”, and “Zhejiang Martial Arts Exposition” were held. Introducing and performing Wushu to overseas could promote Wushu to international stage.



近代中國, 武術, 文化, 體育, 價值, 制度, 器物, Modern China, Wushu, Culture, Physical Education, Value, Institution, Material





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