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本研究目的在探討參與體育教學模組認證研習之國小體育任課教師專業成長現況,並進一步研究不同背景之教師對專業成長的影響是否具差異,作為教育部體育署在規劃增能研習時之參考。本研究採用問卷調查法,研究工具為「參與體育教學模組認證研習之教師專業成長情形調查問卷」總計發送300份問卷,有效回收229 份,有效回收率為76.3%,將所得資料以描述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析等,進行資料處理。獲得以下結論:一、國小體育任課教師專業成長現況(一)整體現況良好且達到「中上水準」。(二)參與研習之後專業成長現況得分最佳的是「體育專業知能」;最低的是「班級經營」。(三)國小體育任課教師對體育教學模組認證研習表示正面的肯定,期能持續辦理。二、不同背景變項體育任課教師,專業成長有差異存在(一)不同年齡教師在整體、體育專業知能、態度層面上有差異存在。(二)不同主要任教領域教師在體育專業態度、班級經營層面上有差異存在。(三)不同體育教學模組研習地區之教師在班級經營層面上有差異存在。(四)是否曾擔任健體輔導員之教師在班級經營層面上有差異存在。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the professional growth status of classroom teachers in the primary schools after receiving the Physical Education Instructional Modules (PEIMs) as professional training. A questionnaire survey method was conducted. 300 questionnaires were sent for the “Classroom teachers who had participated the PEIMs accreditation program”, and 229 copies were effectively recovered. The effective recovery rate was 76.3%. The data obtained were analysed by the descriptive statistics, t-test, One-Way ANOVA. The results showed that: 1. Regarding to the professional growth of classroom teachers in primary schools: (1) The overall status was good and reached the “middle and upper level”. (2) The best score for professional growth after participating in the study was “PE Professional Knowledge”; the lowest is “Class Management”. (3) The classroom teachers in primary schools expressed positive affirmation on the PEIM saccreditation. 2. There were differences in professional growth according to different background variables of classroom teachers: (1) Different ages of teachers showed differences in overall, comparing to PE professional knowledge and attitude level. (2) Teachers who were in different major had differences in attitudes and class management levels. (3) Teachers who worked in different areas had differences in class management level. (4) Teachers who had served as counselors had differences in terms of class management.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the professional growth status of classroom teachers in the primary schools after receiving the Physical Education Instructional Modules (PEIMs) as professional training. A questionnaire survey method was conducted. 300 questionnaires were sent for the “Classroom teachers who had participated the PEIMs accreditation program”, and 229 copies were effectively recovered. The effective recovery rate was 76.3%. The data obtained were analysed by the descriptive statistics, t-test, One-Way ANOVA. The results showed that: 1. Regarding to the professional growth of classroom teachers in primary schools: (1) The overall status was good and reached the “middle and upper level”. (2) The best score for professional growth after participating in the study was “PE Professional Knowledge”; the lowest is “Class Management”. (3) The classroom teachers in primary schools expressed positive affirmation on the PEIM saccreditation. 2. There were differences in professional growth according to different background variables of classroom teachers: (1) Different ages of teachers showed differences in overall, comparing to PE professional knowledge and attitude level. (2) Teachers who were in different major had differences in attitudes and class management levels. (3) Teachers who worked in different areas had differences in class management level. (4) Teachers who had served as counselors had differences in terms of class management.
非專長教師, 專業發展, 模組教學, 體育課, classroom teacher, professional development, instructional module