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本研究目的為以多層次分析(階層線性模型,HLM)並運用計畫行為理論來探討個人層次因素與學校層次因素對「拒絕藥物行為意圖」之影響。以台灣北部四縣市(基隆市、新北市、台北市、桃園縣)隨機抽樣的24所國民中學之七年級學生為研究對象,合計2285人。研究的重要結果如下: 一、個人層次因素中,「同儕藥物使用情形」、「學生自主性」、「拒絕藥物態度」、「拒絕藥物主觀規範」及「拒絕藥物知覺行為控制」皆為拒絕藥物行為意圖的顯著個人變項。同儕有使用藥物者其拒絕藥物行為意圖比同儕沒有使用藥物者低,學生自主性越高與拒絕藥物態度、拒絕藥物主觀規範及拒絕藥物知覺行為控制得分越高,拒絕藥物行為意圖得分亦越高。11個個人層次的解釋變項可解釋學校內拒絕藥物行為意圖之變異的60.3%。 二、學校層次因素中,「學校都市化程度」及「學校平均拒絕藥物知覺行為控制」為影響拒絕藥物行為意圖的顯著學校變項。學校位於都市地區其拒絕藥物行為意圖比位於鄉村者高;而學校平均拒絕藥物知覺行為控制得分越高,學校整體拒絕藥物使用行為意圖越高。7個學校層次的解釋變項共可解釋學生拒絕藥物行為意圖之變異量的0.93%。 三、在控制個人層次因素後,學校層次因素不再對拒絕藥物行為意圖具有影響,顯示造成學生拒絕藥物行為意圖的高低,主要是受到學生間變異的影響,而學校間變異的影響較微小。可新增同儕藥物使用、學生自主性等變項於計畫行為理論架構中,以增強拒絕藥物行為意圖的解釋力。 整體而言,影響國中生拒絕藥物行為意圖主要為個人層次因素,包括計畫行為理論變項、同儕藥物使用情形及學生自主性。因此,建議未來的藥物使用防制介入課程可依據計畫行為理論及社會影響理論(應針對有同儕藥物使用的高危險群學生)進行課程設計,並多給予學生正向的學習經驗,讓學生得以改善自主性動機。
The study applied theory of planned behavior (TPB) and used hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to examine the relationships between individual- and contextual-level factors and adolescents’ behavioral intention of refusing drug use. The data were obtained via self-report survey from a random sample of 2285 seventh grade students among 24 schools. Results indicated first, that having peers who used drug was related to decrease behavioral intention of refusing drug use and that having positive autonomy, attitudes, subjective norm and perceived behavior control towards refusal drug use was related to increase behavioral intention of refusing drug use; second, schools in the urban had significantly higher behavioral intention of refusing drug use than those in the rural and as school-level perceived behavior control towards refusal drug use increased, students’ behavioral intention of refusing drug use also increased; third, that the individual-level factors influenced students’ behavioral intention of refusing drug use, over and above contextual-level factors. These results suggested that future drug use prevention programs should base on theory and provide more positive learning experiences to students.



多層次分析, 計畫行為理論, 拒絕藥物行為意圖, hierarchical linear regression, theory of planned behavior, behavioral intention, drug use

