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華語的標音文字(也就是注音符號)看起來像是一種符號,對於以華語為第二語言學習的學習者來說,可能會遇到認知上的問題,無法識別和使用注音符號,而這將會影響華語的學習效果。為了解決這個問題,本研究基於學業情緒理論,透過OTouch這款遊戲來探討以華語為二語學習者在學習注音符號時的遊戲興趣、遊戲焦慮和心流。在這個遊戲中,本研究使用注音符號、漢語拼音和其他與該發音相關的圖片,以便學生連結這三種要素。 本研究採用實驗研究法和問卷調查法來觀察以華語為二語學習者的學習情緒變化。在實驗研究中,教師講解完注音符號之後,利用OTouch進行複習活動。本研究之華語學習者共計33名學生,皆住在日本,在上課前從未學過注音符號,也沒有在台灣居住過的經驗,學習華語時數七百小時至一千四百小時不等,中級華語學習者。在每次使用完OTouch之後進行問卷調查,共計三次,藉以了解華語學習者在三個月內學習情緒的變化以及探索因性别差異所產生的影響。其研究結果歸納出以下結論。 一、 OTouch能幫助華語學習者降低注音符號的難度。 二、 華語學習者在使用OTouch學習注音符號時的焦慮感,無論學習者練習幾次,女性與男性皆無差異。 三、 華語學習者在使用OTouch學習注音符號時,隨著練習時間的增加,學習者的心流體驗也越多,而此影響和性別沒有關聯。 四、 華語學習者在使用OTouch學習注音符號時對此遊戲感興趣;並且男女之間無顯著差異,但是在第二次調查中,女性比男性更感興趣。 綜合以上之研究結果,本研究為今後以華語為二語學習者提出未來可透過此款遊戲進行注音符號教學發展之研究建議。
To learn traditional Chinese characters, leaners are usually encounter cognitive problem to recognize and use those Ju-Yin symbols, that will hinder the Chinese learning effect consequently. To address this issue, the present study used an App, OTouch which is a game and requires players to practice categorical reasoning by finding three items with same category (e.g., go, goes, went in tense learning) and touch three items from screen as process-based learning. In this game, the present study implemented Mandarin phonetic symbols with Pin-Yin and pictures related to that phonetic symbol for students to practice the linkage among three elements. To understand the role of gender, the present study based on achievement emotion theory and to explore participants’ gameplay interest, gameplay anxiety and flow experience while they engage a game. The present study adapted experimental study and questionnaire survey to examine participants’ emotional change. In experiment study, this present study took the tutoring classes which taught by the researchers in Japan, a total of 33 students who have not studied Mandarin phonetic symbols before and have not lived in Taiwan. The study hours range from about 700 hours to 1,400 hours, for intermediate level learners. After using OTouch for learners to learn Mandarin phonetic symbols three times, questionnaires were delivered after each time to understand students' learning emotion changes within three months and explore their gender differences. After statistical analysis, the results of this study indicated that 1. OTouch can help Chinese learners to increase their interest in learning Mandarin phonetic symbols. 2. The anxiety of Chinese learners when using OTouch to learn Mandarin phonetic symbols is the same for women and men no matter how many time they practiced. 3. Learners experienced the increasing of flow experience when using OTouch to learn Mandarin phonetic symbols as long with the practice time increased; moreover, there is no difference in flow experience between women and men. 4. Learners are interested in gaming when using OTouch to learn Mandarin phonetic symbols; furthermore, there is no significant difference between women and men, but women are more interest than men in the second try. Based on the above research results, the present study put forward a practical implication for Japanese students to learn Mandarin phonetic symbols as they taking Chinese language learning as secondary language.



數位遊戲式學習, 注音符號學習, 遊戲焦慮, 心流, 遊戲興趣, Game-based learning, Phonetic symbols, Flow experience, Gameplay interest, Gameplay anxiety

