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國中生在網路上的觸法行為與偏差態度已是屢見不鮮的社會現象,本研究因此以國中生為受試對象,將網路犯罪與偏差結合為網路非行,研究目的為探討澎湖縣國中生網路非行認知與態度的現況,並分析不同背景變項國中生在網路非行認知與態度的差異情形,並分析網路非行認知與態度兩者之間的關係,進而提出建議。 本研究採用調查研究法,採問卷調查方式進行,以「澎湖縣國中生網路非行認知與態度之調查問卷」為研究工具。研究對象為100學年度澎湖縣全體國中九年級學生,共計回收982份有效問卷。以SPSS軟體進行預試資料項目分析與信度分析,並針對正式問卷資料利用描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關與多元迴歸等統計方法來分析與驗證。 綜合研究發現,歸納結論如下: 一、澎湖縣國中生網路非行認知良好。 二、澎湖縣國中生網路非行態度良好。 三、國中生網路非行認知因「學校類型」、「平日上網時數」與「網咖消費頻 率」不同而有顯著差異 四、國中生網路非行態度因「性別」、「平日上網時數」、「假日上網時 數」、「網咖消費頻率」與「家長管教方式」不同而有顯著差異 五、國中生網路非行認知與態度之間呈現顯著正相關,意即對於網路非行認知 較佳的國中生其網路非行態度亦較正向。 六、迴歸分析發現,國中生網路非行認知對網路犯罪態度之解釋力為11.8%; 國中生網路非行認知對網路偏差態度之解釋力為12.1%,均已達顯著相 關。 最後提出結論與建議,供教育行政機關、國中學校、教師作為參考,並對後續研究者提出相關的具體建議。
Junior high students’ deviant attitude and Internet crime have become ordinary phenomenon. The objects of this study are junior high school students and this study combines the Internet crime and deviant behavior. The aim of this study is to investigate the recognition and attitude of Internet delinquency of junior high school students in Penghu, to analyze the differences and variables of the recognition of Internet delinquent attitude and to analyze the relationship between the recognition and attitude. Furthermore, some suggestions are thus provided. The method of this study is questionnaire investigation, “The Questionnaire of the recognition and attitude of Internet delinquency of junior high school students in Penghu.” The objects of this study are all 9th graders in Penghu. The total of the valid questionnaires is 982. The reliability of this data was analyzed and examined by SPSS, descriptive statistics, t-test, single variable factor analysis, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression analysis. This study provides some conclusions as follows: 1. The recognition of Internet delinquency of junior high school students in Penghu is positive. 2. The attitude of Internet delinquency of junior high school students in Penghu is positive. 3. The difference among “school type,” “the daily time of using the Internet,” and “the frequency of consuming at Internet Café” of junior high school students is significant. 4. The difference among “gender,” “the daily time of using the Internet,” “the time of using the Internet on holidays,” “the frequency of consuming at Internet Café,” and “parents’ discipline mode” of junior high school students is significant. 5. There’s a positive correlation between delinquent recognition and attitude, which means if the junior high has better recognition, their attitude tendsto be positive. 6. Multiple regression analysis proves that the explanation ability of Internet delinquency recognition and attitude from junior high school students is 11.8%. The explanation ability of Internet deviant attitude from junior high is 12.1%. Both reveal significant difference. Finally, the study provides conclusions and suggestions for the education authority, junior high schools and teachers. It also provides some specific suggestions for future researchers.



網路非行, 網路非行認知, 網路非行態度, Internet delinquency, the recognition of Internet delinquency, the attitude of Internet delinquency





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