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本研究旨在探究在國中校本課程架構下,學生是否能透過情境式寫作任務來提高其社會參與動機及英語寫作能力。教師研究者亦可觀察省思課程設計理念、教學方法、及教材的設計。藉由實施質性及量化研究的資料收集和分析方法,可以了解以下三個研究問題: (一)情境式寫作任務如何改善學生的英語寫作能力? (二)情境式寫作任務如何提升學生的社會參與認知? (三)學生對情境式寫作任務的反應如何?教師未來如何設計相關課程並且加以改善? 此後續研究使用的工具包括前後測的問卷、前後測寫作表現比較分析、半結構性訪談、教師觀察反思紀錄。本研究有以下發現: (一)透過學生的寫作表現前後測比較分析指出,情境式寫作任務有助於改善學生的英語寫作能力,學生也對英語寫作及此類課程設計持有正向的回饋。 (二)學生在社會參與部分,僅在社會參與認知有顯著進步,代表對社區有進一步的理解,在另外兩方面(社區認同及社區疏遠)並無顯著進步,進一步將學生再區分為該學區居民或跨區就讀進行分析,發現亦無顯著進步,推測原因為樣本數不足。但透過質性資料仍可以證明學生對社區參與有正向的態度及更深入的了解。 (三)此研究之教師研究者同時是課程的設計者,透過此行動研究亦不斷反思,並歸類出情境式寫作之課程設計的原則及應用方法。 最後,本研究針對國中英語教師在英語寫作教學層面、社會參與層面及未來相關研究提出良善之建議。
This study aimed at enhancing students’ awareness of social participation and sharpening students’ English writing abilities by providing students with situational writing tasks through school-based curriculum. Also, the teacher-researcher observed and reflected on the teaching methods, course designing principles, and learning materials. By conducting both quantitative and qualitative research method, the study addressed three research questions: (1) How do situational writing tasks in the school-based curriculum help students improve their writing ability? (2) How do situational writing tasks in the school-based curriculum help students enhance their awareness of social participation? (3) How do students respond to the situational writing tasks? How can teachers design and improve the situational writing tasks? The dataof the study were collected with multiple instruments, including pre- and post-questionnaires, pre- and post- tests, informal interviews, and teacher-researcher’s observation and reflections. The findings of the study were discussed in three sections. First, after comparing the scores of students’ pre- and post-writing tests, the teacher-researcher found situational writing activities helpful for students’ English writing ability in Reasoning. These students also showed positive feedback toward English writing and the writing activities. Second, students’ results showed significant differences only in Awareness of Social Participation but not in the other two dimensions. The teacher-researcher then analyzed further by dividing students into two sub-groups, which were residents and non-residents of the school neighborhood community. Students’ qualitative data still indicated positive thoughts and better understanding of the community. Last, this pedagogical research offered implications and principles for designing course toward junior high school teachers in Taiwan. Suggestions for future research were also provided.



情境式寫作任務, 英語寫作, 社會參與, 12年國教新課綱, situational writing tasks, English writing skills, social participation, 12-year new curriculum guidelines

