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  本創作研究以「架空世界的起源」與「中世紀手抄本形式風格」為主軸,釐清《黑鳶的人偶》的創作內容與方式,並利用「架空世界」中的虛擬人物為創作者,試圖將之轉化為異世界的文化產物。這本繪本主要作為筆者內心所幻想的虛擬世界的呈現,意圖將幻想中的設定多方面地展現於觀者眼前,在故事的內容中能夠充分置入架空世界的創作元素和自己的精神寄託,以及表達對於現實生活的希冀。   文中探究架空世界創造可能的起源與泥金裝飾手抄本的風格發展,藉由「時辰頌禱書」(Book of Hours)的形式,以及書中繁多的彩飾插圖來表現架空世界的宮廷藝術,於作品中呈現虛擬故事的細節設定。「時辰頌禱書」結合宮廷藝術以及私人書籍的訂製特點,符合了筆者架空世界的設定需求,並利用對於現實生活的不滿與不安,以及具有神話與傳說元素的故事內容,襯托作品背後的神秘力量,反映筆者內心的欲望,以及宣告架空世界具有心靈撫慰的功效。   手抄本的製作方式是筆者從未有過的經驗,面對材料資源的限制,摸索出一套相對簡易的製作程序。而色彩的運用也一改以往的用色習慣,利用大量鮮豔的色彩做為畫面的色彩計畫,並經由圖文之間的編排,思考所有裝飾圖像的運用,以用來襯托架空世界的時代背景,構成完整的虛擬文明產物。
 This study aims to clarify the content and elaborate the making of Lanra Coutrobe’le from two aspects: the origin of the fictional world and the styles of the medieval manuscript. In this fictional world, a creator endeavors to make Lanra Coutrobe’le into cultural production. This picture book reveals the imaginative fictional world in my mind and its many aspects of fantasysettings to the viewers. I embed the fictional world's creative elements and spiritual commitment into the story, hoping to convey my expectation of reality.  This story is set in the form of Book of Hours and explores the possible origin of the fictional world and the stylistic development of the illuminated manuscript. The colored illustrations are sophisticated and flamboyant, constructing the fictional world and the story's details with features of court arts. Book of Hours combines court arts and the making of handmade books, corresponding with my need to build up a fictional world. In Lanra Coutrobe'le the dissatisfaction and anxiety from the reality has been planted in the story with the elements of mythology and legend which underpins the unseen supernatural power, and with such structure, this creation reflects my inner desire and demonstrates the comforting effect of the fictional world.  This is my very first time to create a manuscript. With limited materials, I have managed to design a rather simple procedure. Also, I converted my habit of using low chroma color and create this work with abundant dazzling colors. By arranging the scripts and the illustrations and carefully employing decorative patterns, this product of fictional-world civilization has been brought to fruition.



黑鳶的人偶, 架空世界, 手抄本, 時辰頌禱書, Lanra Coutrobe'le, fictional world, manuscript, Book of Hours

