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本研究目的在探討專業的本土定義及瞭解受訪者對幼稚園教師專業性的看法。本研究以多階段分層隨機抽樣法選取台北縣15個行政區中90名局外人(一般民眾)及96名局內人(包含幼稚園園長/主任、幼稚園教師與幼兒家長)為研究對象,並以自編「幼稚園教師專業性看法」問卷為研究工具,進行面訪問卷調查。 本研究的主要發現如下: 一、本土的專業定義重視專業特殊知能訓練與資格認證,並強調要由政府掌控。 二、幼稚園教師專業性已建立個人層面的專業性,尚缺乏外在規範及社會信任。 三、局內人與局外人對於幼稚園教師專業性看法不同,局外人對於幼稚園教師專業性有所質疑。 四、幼兒家長對幼稚園教師專業持正向看法。 五、性別、幼稚園教師教育程度及園所規模對幼稚園教師專業性看法沒有影響。 六、不同教育程度的受訪者對幼稚園教師專業性看法不同,尤以教育程度國中以下的局外人與幼兒家長認為幼稚園教師較符合專業性。 七、不同教學年資、職位與園所性質的幼稚園教師對幼稚園教師專業資格認之看法有顯著差異。 本研究根據以上結果提出對未來幼稚園教師追求專業化之建議。 關鍵字:幼稚園教師、專業化、幼兒教育
The purpose of this study is to investigate the Professionalization of the native definition and undrestand the Professionalization of kindergarten teachers from the view of 186 participants(a group of 90 citizens and another group of 96 related to early childhood education including kindergarten principals, teachers, and children parents) from 15 districts in Taipei County. The instrument of this study included a self-developed “questionnaire of the Professionalization of kindergarten teachers” and semi structured interview. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1.Participants suggested that Professionalization of the native definition requires professional training and qualified certification approved by the government. 2. Participants believed that kindergarten teachers have professional knowledge but lack of code and public trust. 3. Two group of participants had different view on the Professionalization of kindergarten teachers, espically citizens questioned about the qualifications of kindergarten teachers. 4.Children parents have positive attitude toward the Professionalization of kindergarten teachers. 5. Participants’s gender, education background of the teachers or size of the kindergarten school had no significant relationship with the Professionalization of kindergarten teachers. 6. Participants with different education backgrounds have differen view on the Professionalization of kindergarten teachers. Apparently, the low-educated participants have a higher evaluation on the kindergarten teachers 7. Teaching experiences, job position , teachers from public or private schools had significant relationship with the qualified certification of kindergarten teachers. Suggestions were made according to the results shown above for future studies. Keywords: Kindergarten teachers, Professionalization, Early Childhood Education.



幼稚園教師, 專業化, 幼兒教育, Kindergarten teachers, Professionalization, Early Childhood Education





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