工作價值觀、心理契約對離職傾向之影響 -以工作滿足為中介變項

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在快速變遷的環境下,要讓員工提升工作滿足並且降低離職傾向,提升組織的競爭力並且降低人力成本,已成為企業關注的課題。近十年臺灣的消費者購買壽險的行為相當普遍,而保險業務員的高離職率一直是個嚴重問題。為了確保保戶能得到最佳的服務,故有其必要探討影響保險從業人員離職之原因。 本研究目的在於了解保險業務員工作價值觀、心理契約、工作滿足與離職傾向之現況與相關程度。本研究以F壽險公司作為抽樣對象,以紙本問卷的形式,方法採用橫斷面調查法並且採用立意取樣,發放問卷420份,回收問卷364份,問卷回收率為86.6%,並以信度分析、描述性分析、相關分析、迴歸分析等方法進行資料分析,其研究發現如下:工作價值觀對離職傾向具有負向顯著關聯性;心理契約對離職傾向具有反向顯著關聯性;工作價值觀對工作滿足具有正向顯著關聯性;心理契約對工作滿足具有正向顯著的關聯性;工作滿足對離職傾向具有負向顯著關聯性;工作滿足在工作價值觀與離職傾向間具有完全中介效果;工作滿足在心理契約與離職傾向間具有部分中介效果。
In the rapidly changing environment. Let the employees to reduce turnover intention to enhance the competitiveness of the organization and reduce labor costs, has become an important issue. Consumers to buy life insurance is quite common behavior, but the high rate of turnover in life insurance sales agent is a critical problem. Therefore, it is crucial to pay more attentions to the life insurance sales agent’ high-level turnover and to improve it. The purpose of this study was explore the study of the relevancy of the current work value, psychological contract, job satisfaction, turnover intention and the difference of personal variables. The study adopted questionnaire survey to the Life Insurance Sales Agent of F insurance company. 420 questionnaires were distributed and resulted in 364 valid responses. The overall valid responded rate was about 86.6%. The analytical methods include correlation and regression analysis method were used analyze the data. The major findings of this study are as follows: there is a significant negative relationship between work values and turnover intention. There is a significant negative relationship between psychological contract and turnover intention. There is a significant positive relationship between work values and job satisfaction. There is a significant positive relationship between psychological contract and job satisfaction. There is a significant negative relationship between job satisfaction and turnover intention. The Job Satisfaction had only the partial mediation effect on the relationship between psychological contract and turnover intention. The Job Satisfaction had only the complete mediation effect on the relationship between work value and turnover intention.



工作價值觀, 心理契約, 工作滿足, 離職傾向, work value, psychological contract, job satisfaction, turnover intentions





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