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本研究主要目的為瞭解職場員工蔬菜攝取行為階段、自我效能、知覺利益與障礙,並探討影響研究對象蔬菜攝取行為階段之重要因素。以民國九十四年與全景企管顧問有限公司有業務往來之26間公司或法人團體為研究母群體;採集束抽樣,於民國九十五年四月間以結構式自填問卷進行施測,取得702份有效樣本,統計方法為描述性統計、單因子多變量變異數分析與多元迴歸分析。 研究結果發現,研究對象之蔬菜攝取行為階段30.3﹪屬無意圖期; 27.6﹪屬準備期;27.8﹪屬維持期,整體而言,越後面的階段其自我效能與知覺利益較高,知覺障礙較低。整體自我效能偏向中間意見,最沒有把握的三個情境依序為工作忙碌加班、口味不合和擔心農藥;整體攝取知覺障礙偏向中低意見,造成障礙之前三個情境依序為工作忙碌加班、在外用餐和口味不合,顯示工作忙碌、外食與蔬菜口味不合是造成職場員工蔬菜攝取的重要障礙。整體知覺利益偏向正向意見,但受試者最認同之蔬菜攝取知覺利益仍偏向一般性的利益如:維持健康、營養均衡,較為空泛,難以使停留在準備期者邁入行動期。 性別、外食頻率、蔬菜攝取自我效能與自覺飲食健康狀況對於蔬菜攝取行為階段具23.6﹪之解釋變異量,其中自我效能為蔬菜攝取行為階段最重要之影響因素,解釋變異量為18.2﹪。研究對象之外食情形非常普遍,而外食情形又是影響蔬菜攝取之重要因素。越年輕之研究對象外食頻率越高,顯示健康的外食將是未來職場健康促進勢必面對的課題。 根據研究結果與跨理論模式內容,提出未來健康促進計畫建議,針對初期改變階段之職場員工,可以更具吸引力的主題包裝、依照個別興趣及需求分組以提升自我學習之動機;中期應強調蔬菜更高層次的利益、協助克服外食蔬菜攝取困難與口味單調之障礙;後期階段則持續提供支持性的環境等。
The purpose of this study is to explore the stages of change, self-efficacy, and perceived benefits and barriers of vegetable intake behaviors among employees at work. The sampling group of this study was consisted of the employees of twenty-six business associates of Panorama Business and Management Consulting Co. Ltd. in 2005. A survey that applied cluster sampling method was conducted in April, 2006. Structured questionnaires were distributed to all the samples with 702 effective returned responses. The data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, one-way multivariate analysis of variance, and multiple regression analysis. The result of this study indicated that 30.3% of the subjects were in the stage of precontemplation on vegetable consumption, while 27.6% were in the preparation stage and 27.8% in the maintenance stage. Generally, subjects in the latter stages had higher self-efficacy, higher perceived benefits, and lower perceived barriers. Overall, the self-efficacy was near the medium, and the three foremost causes for low self-efficacy included working overtime, dislikeing the taste, and worrying about pesticides. The perceived barriers were averagely medium-to-low, with the three foremost causes for high perceived barriers being: working overtime, dining out and dislikeing the taste. This result indicated that busy work, dining out, and taste were the most important barriers of vegetable intake among employees at work. The perceived benefits were mostly positive opinions. However, the most identified benefits were common and superficial ones such as health maintaince and nutritional balance, which could hardly motivate people to move from the preparation stage to the action stage. Gender, frequency of eating outside, self-efficacy, and self-awareness of healthy diet habits were 23.6﹪explanatory to the vegetable consumption. Self-efficacy was the most influential factor among all, which had 18.2﹪correct predicable rate. Dining out was a very common situation among subjects; it was also a very important factor that affected their vegetable intake behaviors. The study indicated a higher frequency of dining out among younger subjects, suggesting that more research concerning healthy ways of dining out need to be done in the future. Several recommendations could be made based on the result of this transtheoretical study: 1) Employees who are at the early stage of change could be better motivated through more attractive and individually-tailored program and grouping. 2) For those employees who are at the middle stage of change, emphases should be made on the higher beneficial level of vegetable consumption, and the strategies of overcoming problems of low variety and food choice ofdining out. 3) Finally, a supportive environment should be consistently provided for employees at the final stage of change.



蔬菜攝取行為, 跨理論模式, 職場, vegetable intake behaviors, Transtheoretical Model, worksite





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