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十二年國民基本教育課程綱要(以下簡稱新課綱)於108學年度正式實施,為國內課程改革開啟新的里程碑。然而,教導並支持綜合型高中(以下簡稱綜高)學生自主學習,是過去多數學校教育忽略的課題,故透過提供自我調整學習策略介入,引導學生學會自主學習的技巧與策略,成為教師協助學生完成自主學習的重要鷹架之一。有鑑於此,本研究聚焦在發展一套自我調整學習策略介入課程,並探討學習動機、自我效能在此關係中的中介果。研究採準實驗研究(quasi-experimental research)中的「不等組的前測-後測實驗組控制組設計」,研究對象為綜高一年級學生,以叢集抽樣方式選取四個班,並隨機分派兩個班為實驗組,實施附加式自我調整學習策略介入課程,另外兩個班為控制組,未提供介入課程。本研究結論包括:一、綜合型高中學生學習動機與自我效能表現中等,有接受介入課程的學生自主學習能力以及自我覺知學習成效良好,但在實驗前後有下降的趨勢。二、自我調整學習策略介入課程能有效幫助學生提升自主學習能力以及自我覺知學習成效。三、學生自我效能在自我調整學習策略介入對自主學習能力以及自我覺知學習成效之間,具有中介效果。四、學生學習動機在自我調整學習策略介入對自主學習能力以及自我覺知學習成效之間,具有中介效果。而本研究根據研究發現與討論,提出如下建議:一、教師可透過介入課程幫助學生清楚察覺自己在自主學習上的優勢與不足的部分。二、學校可在自主學習開始之前、或在自主學習課程實施過程中採附加式的方式規劃自我調整學習策略介入課以持續增加學生自主學習能力。三、後續研究在規畫自主學習相關課程時,宜引導學生發覺有興趣的主題進行自主學習。四、後續研究在規畫自主學習相關課程時,若能幫助學生增加學自我效能並搭配介入課程,可以提升學生自主學習能力。
The Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education has officially been implemented in September 2019 (the academic year of 108), achieving a new milestone in the Taiwan’s education reform. Therefore, cultivating students’ ability to learn has become a critical issue in school education. However, most high schools had, in the past, failed to offer their students sufficient guidance and support in self-regulated learning. Providing self-regulated learning strategy as learning scaffolding for students and guidance of techniques and guidance in self-regulated learning are therefore crucial steps in building the scaffolding that leads to students’ success to self-regulated learning. In view of this, this research study aims to develop a set of self-regulated learning strategies interventions (program) to perfect students’ ability in self-regulated learning and to successfully reach their self-regulated learning goals. It further discusses how effectively learning motivation and self-efficacy work as mediators in this. The study was conducted with the nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design of quasi-experimental research. The subjects mentioned above were the 10th-graders of a comprehensive high school and divided into experiment and control groups, each with two classes, by way of convenience cluster sampling. The experimental group was provided with additional self-regulated learning strategies while the control group with none. This study has come to the following conclusions and come up with some follow-up suggestions for teachers. The conclusions included: 1. In the comprehensive high school, the students who started out with moderate level of learning motivation and self-efficacy ended up with improved self-regulated learning and self-perceived learning after they received the intervention program. 2. The self-regulated learning strategies intervention program effectively helped the students improve self-regulated learning and self-perceived learning. 3. The self-regulated learning strategies intervention program was a successful mediator to boosting students’ self-regulated learning and self-perceived learning. 4. Students’ learning motivation in the self-regulated learning strategies intervention program also serves as a mediator to boosting students’ self-regulated learning and self-perceived learning. Based on the research, a few further suggestions ensue as follows. 1. Teachers can help students realize their strengths and weaknesses in self-regulated learning through the intervention program. 2. Either before or during the self-regulated learning course, teachers can utilize the self-regulated learning strategies intervention program as an addition to the course in order to increase students’ capacity in self-regulated learning. 3. Teachers are advised to inspire students to find their own learning subject of interest. 4. Teachers are advised to help students increase their self-regulated learning efficacy with the help of the intervention program and better their self-regulated learning in the long run.
The Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education has officially been implemented in September 2019 (the academic year of 108), achieving a new milestone in the Taiwan’s education reform. Therefore, cultivating students’ ability to learn has become a critical issue in school education. However, most high schools had, in the past, failed to offer their students sufficient guidance and support in self-regulated learning. Providing self-regulated learning strategy as learning scaffolding for students and guidance of techniques and guidance in self-regulated learning are therefore crucial steps in building the scaffolding that leads to students’ success to self-regulated learning. In view of this, this research study aims to develop a set of self-regulated learning strategies interventions (program) to perfect students’ ability in self-regulated learning and to successfully reach their self-regulated learning goals. It further discusses how effectively learning motivation and self-efficacy work as mediators in this. The study was conducted with the nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design of quasi-experimental research. The subjects mentioned above were the 10th-graders of a comprehensive high school and divided into experiment and control groups, each with two classes, by way of convenience cluster sampling. The experimental group was provided with additional self-regulated learning strategies while the control group with none. This study has come to the following conclusions and come up with some follow-up suggestions for teachers. The conclusions included: 1. In the comprehensive high school, the students who started out with moderate level of learning motivation and self-efficacy ended up with improved self-regulated learning and self-perceived learning after they received the intervention program. 2. The self-regulated learning strategies intervention program effectively helped the students improve self-regulated learning and self-perceived learning. 3. The self-regulated learning strategies intervention program was a successful mediator to boosting students’ self-regulated learning and self-perceived learning. 4. Students’ learning motivation in the self-regulated learning strategies intervention program also serves as a mediator to boosting students’ self-regulated learning and self-perceived learning. Based on the research, a few further suggestions ensue as follows. 1. Teachers can help students realize their strengths and weaknesses in self-regulated learning through the intervention program. 2. Either before or during the self-regulated learning course, teachers can utilize the self-regulated learning strategies intervention program as an addition to the course in order to increase students’ capacity in self-regulated learning. 3. Teachers are advised to inspire students to find their own learning subject of interest. 4. Teachers are advised to help students increase their self-regulated learning efficacy with the help of the intervention program and better their self-regulated learning in the long run.
自主學習, 自我調整學習策略介入, 綜合型高中, self-regulation learning, self-regulated learning strategies intervention, comprehensive high school