

導因於線上資源的增加,學生使用線上資源的人數也跟著增加,然而學生線上搜尋資源的行為卻存有非常多的隱憂。本研究旨在開發一個線上探究學習環和線上探究鷹架學習單來輔助學生線上探究過程的困難,此線上探究學習環的過程包括(1)定義問題(2)計畫(3)搜尋(4)評估(5)產出(6)評鑑。本研究選取台北市士林區某國中八年級八位學生當研究對象,先設計三個不同的探究任務,再重複三次線上探究活動,收集學生的線上探究側錄影片,學習歷程檔案和探究後概念測驗卷以做質性的分析。目的在探討三次探究活動中因教師搭配學習環和鷹架學習單,學生在每次任務中的探究行為,概念理解及作品品質的發展情況,並分析影響最後作品品質的因素。 研究結果發現到鷹架探究活動對學生在作品的合適度、作品豐富度、作品統整技巧,概念理解程度、定義問題能力、關鍵字建立品質、造訪網頁行為、探究時間的分配上皆有正向的幫助,但是學生使用資源的方式和評估網頁資源的方式並不會因為鷹架探究活動而有所改變,作品低分群的學生在探究過程中對鷹架的依賴性比作品高分群的學生多。而關鍵字建立品質較佳、造訪網頁數較多、搜尋及作品時間花較多和自我反思能力較強的學生,最後所完成的作品也會有較高的品質。可見本研究的線上探究活動可以提升學生線上探究大部分的能力,而教師也應該設計更合適的線上探究活動來輔助學生在線上探究上的困難,以提升學生在獲取資訊和取用資訊的能力。
Middle and high school students increasingly adopt online resources when searching for information. However, students frequently encounter difficulties and their online searching behaviors are usually naive. This study aims at developing an investigation wheel for online-inquiry and investigating how scaffolding materials support students to carry out online-inquiry activities. The investigation wheel includes following steps: (1) define a task, (2) plan, (3) search, (4) create, (5) assess, and (6) evaluate. An eighth grade science class from a municipal middle school at Taipei participates in the study, and 8 of them are selected as focus students for intensive observation. The study proceeds on three online-inquiry tasks and goes through the investigation wheel three times. In-situ recordings of the course, learning portfolios, and post-inquiry concept examinations are collected and analyzed qualitatively. The analyses focus on students’online-inquiry behaviors, content understandings, quality of their final products, their use of scaffolding materials, and factors that affect quality of final products. The results show that online-inquiry tasks with scaffolding materials are helpful for improving the quality of students’final products and their inquiry behaviors. The materials also help students develop content understandings and their abilities to define a task definition, to generate keywords, and to manage their time for inquiry. However, students’abilities to assess information and evaluate webpages do not have much improvement. Additionally, low performing students were affected more strongly by the scaffolding materials than those high performers. Students who tend to generate appropriate keywords, to visit more web pages, to spend more time on searches and final products, and to have more self reflections often construct final products with better quality. Therefore, it can be concluded that scaffolding materials support students online inquiry and improve their inquiry behaviors. Educators and researchers, on the other hand, should design appropriate training courses to help students overcome difficulties and obtain better abilities to access and use online information.



線上探究, 探究行為, 探究學習環, 鷹架輔助學習單, 關鍵字, 作品品質, 造訪網頁, 概念理解





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