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The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a cultural institution which belongs to the Ministry of Culture. To visitors from China, it is a popular tourist spot in Taiwan. The service quality of CKS Memorial Hall has a guiding significance to the service standard of Taiwanese cultural tourism. This research explores the motivations and satisfaction of Visitors from China to the Hall and adopts a questionnaire survey. A sample of 230 people was surveyed. The motivations of visitors from China are reverence, social recreation, history and races, escapism and relaxation, and education and culture. Reverence is the most important motivation of visitors from China. Perceived service of mainland tourists is higher than expected service. It represents a satisfactory quality. Mainland tourists are willing to visit the CKS Memorial Hall again and recommend it. It shows that the Hall has better service quality to satisfy mainland tourists. The research found that majority of surveyed mainland tourists has positive judgment to Chiang Kai-shek. It is proved firstly that Mainland tourists reverence him. Also, more than 70% of indicated that they had more different understanding to Chiang Kai-shek and knew relative history again more thoroughly after visiting there. It shows that the Hall has abided by the core value and has achieved educational and learning goals of the museum. It is found that the Hall’ pull factors including reverence, history and races, education and culture are more important than Mainland tourists’ push factors including escapism and relaxation, and social recreation. Therefore, in order to satisfy audiences’ multiple needs, the CKS Memorial Hall should mainly focus her development on commemorating President Chiang Kai-shek, modern Chinese history, education and culture, and appropriately on the social recreation.
The Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall is a cultural institution which belongs to the Ministry of Culture. To visitors from China, it is a popular tourist spot in Taiwan. The service quality of CKS Memorial Hall has a guiding significance to the service standard of Taiwanese cultural tourism. This research explores the motivations and satisfaction of Visitors from China to the Hall and adopts a questionnaire survey. A sample of 230 people was surveyed. The motivations of visitors from China are reverence, social recreation, history and races, escapism and relaxation, and education and culture. Reverence is the most important motivation of visitors from China. Perceived service of mainland tourists is higher than expected service. It represents a satisfactory quality. Mainland tourists are willing to visit the CKS Memorial Hall again and recommend it. It shows that the Hall has better service quality to satisfy mainland tourists. The research found that majority of surveyed mainland tourists has positive judgment to Chiang Kai-shek. It is proved firstly that Mainland tourists reverence him. Also, more than 70% of indicated that they had more different understanding to Chiang Kai-shek and knew relative history again more thoroughly after visiting there. It shows that the Hall has abided by the core value and has achieved educational and learning goals of the museum. It is found that the Hall’ pull factors including reverence, history and races, education and culture are more important than Mainland tourists’ push factors including escapism and relaxation, and social recreation. Therefore, in order to satisfy audiences’ multiple needs, the CKS Memorial Hall should mainly focus her development on commemorating President Chiang Kai-shek, modern Chinese history, education and culture, and appropriately on the social recreation.
中正紀念堂, 大陸觀光客, 參觀動機, 服務品質, 滿意度, Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, mainland tourists, Motivations for visiting, Service Quality, Satisfaction