基於跨文化溝通之 移民華語教材建構: 以臺灣北部之家庭文化為例

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本研究旨在建立跨文化溝通模式的移民華語教材建構意識。基於婚姻移民親身經歷的跨文化適應過程,教材意識基礎取自跨文化溝通中的家庭場域及非語言溝通兩大部分。 由於本研究內容屬跨學科的性質,結合跨文化溝通、華語教學與教材編寫、家庭文化、儒家思想、社會學、人類學及心理學,希冀將教材意識的建構面向與過程完整呈現,以釐清現今教材編寫時需要考慮的層面,為求深入文化,將語言背後的深層文化機制凸顯出來,進而規劃出移民華語教材的嶄新一頁。 採用的研究方法,以質性半結構式訪談為主,就北部家庭文化中的七大面向,與長輩相處、性別角色、夫妻相處、親子教養、飲食習慣、日常生活習慣與雙語言雙文化的觀念,以及非語言溝通中的姿勢、手勢、面部表情、眼神注視、肢體觸摸、副語言、空間距離、衣著和化妝,及沈默九大面向,與越南、印尼、泰國共三十位移民進行訪談。另外亦以問卷調查三十位移民教師,探討針對以上面向納入教材的必要性。最後綜合分析,選取前半主題予以排序,並做出編寫建議。 本研究的貢獻在於了解構成臺灣家庭文化的跨文化溝通意識為何,及融入語言後呈現在教材裡的重點。此教材意識的建立不僅能符合現今局勢的跨文化溝通需求,更能將華語文學習焦點集中在文化上,幫助移民學習者成功跨入本地家庭文化,研究成果可用於編寫移民華語教材及教學指引。
This study aims to establish an ideology of Teaching Materials for Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (TCSL) to immigrants from a perspective of intercultural communication. Based on the experiences of acculturation of marital immigrants, the ideology of textbooks construction is taken from the home field and non-verbal part of intercultural communication. The nature of this research is necessarily interdisciplinary, intergrating cross-cultural communication, Chinese teaching and textbook compilation, family culture, Confucianism, sociology, anthropology and psychology. It examines the various facets and processes involved in the construction of textbook ideology and identifies the different levels on which an understanding of the deep cultural mechanisms behind the language should be based. It is hoped that this will lead to the opening of a new page in Chinese textbooks for immigrants. The major research method is that of qualitative semi-structured interviews with thirty Vietnamese, Indonesian and Thai immigrants, who were asked about the seven facets of northern Taiwan family culture, namely, relationship with the elders, gender roles, marital relationships, parenting education, eating habits, daily habits, bilingual and bicultural concepts. They were also invited to comment on nine non-verbal facets, those of posture, gestures, facial expressions, eye contact and gaze, touch, paralanguage, space and distance, clothing and makeup, and silence. The second method involved asking thirty immigrant teachers to give an opinion on the need for composing TCSL teaching materials on the basis of the topics mentioned above. The study concludes with a comprehensive analysis, in which the themes identified in the earlier part are prioritized, and suggestions for textbook compilation are made. The contribution of this study is to deepen an understanding of the ideology of intercultural communication in Taiwanese family culture, and to show how language is integrated. Construction of this ideology is not only able to meet needs of intercultural communication in the current situation, focusing the Chinese language learning on the culture, but better to help immigrant learners adapt successfully to local family culture. The research results can be used in compiling TCSL teaching materials for immigrants and teaching guide.



跨文化溝通, 移民華語教材, 建構, 意識, 家庭文化, Intercultural Communication, TCSL Materials for Immigrants, Construction, Ideology, Family culture





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