數位遊戲結合 NFT 融入專題導向實作活動對學生基本心理需求、學習動機、學習表現及學習行為之影響
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自我決定理論闡述當所處的學習環境若滿足學生的自主感、勝任感與關聯感三個基本心理需求時會產生自主動機,當學生被此種學習 動機影響時學習是快樂,且學習是更主動、表現是更好的。108 課綱 生活科技課程中的科技與應用主題讓學生透過專題導向(Project- based learning, PjBL)實作活動進行,活動中知識建構多採用講述教學,導致學生無法有效地應用所學知識至實作活動中,導致自主感、 勝任感與關聯感無法被滿足。此種情況下,也就造成學習動機低落, 學習表現不佳的情況。因此,本研究以自我決定理論為依據,滿足學生的自主感、勝任 感和關聯感三種基本心理需求為目標,採用 PjBL 策略實施課程,並 開發了一套數位遊戲,將其應用於專題導向的實作活動中。這款遊戲 不僅提供了學生許多自主學習和挑戰的機會,並運用了區塊鏈技術設 計了具有不同等級和價值的非同質化代幣(Non-Fungible Token, NFT), 作為學生競爭不同實作材料的獎勵證明。透過這樣的設計,學生在課程中的三個基本心理需求得到了滿足,同時也提升了自主動機和學習 表現。最後,研究使用行為序列分析,剖析學生在不同的學習動機和 認知狀態下產生的學習行為。綜合上述,本研究在生活科技課程中實驗組採數位遊戲結合 NFT 融入 PjBL 實作活動;而對照組採 PjBL 實作活動進行準實驗研究。 研究結果顯示實驗組學生的基本心理需求、自主動機與學習表現顯著 優於對照組;在學習行為方面,受到較佳的認知狀態和自主動機的影 響,實驗組學生表現出更多互動和建構的雙向行為。此結果進一步證 明了將數位遊戲結合 NFT 應用於生活科技 PjBL 實作活動能夠滿足 學生的基本心理需求以及產生更好的學習動機和學習表現。研究補足了以自我決定理論為基礎,在課程中結合了數位遊戲和 NFT 應用。
According to the self-determination theory, when a learning environment satisfies students’ basic psychological needs, namely, autonomy, competence, and relatedness, it generates autonomous motivation. This motivation leads to happier and more proactive learning experiences, resulting in better performance. In the context of Taiwan’s 12- Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines, the technology and application theme in the Life Technology curriculum has been incorporated into hands-on project-based learning (PjBL) activities. However, knowledge construction for these activities often relies on traditional instructional approaches, such as lecturing, which hinders students from effectively applying their learned knowledge to hands-on activities. As a result, their autonomy, competence, and relatedness remain unfulfilled, leading to decreased learning motivation and poor performance.Therefore, this study aimed to fulfill the students’ three basic psychological needs—autonomy, competence, and relatedness—by implementing PjBL strategies and developing a digital game that was integrated into hands-on PjBL activities. The game provided the students with opportunities for autonomous learning and challenging tasks.Additionally, it utilized blockchain technology to design non-fungible tokens (NFTs) at different levels and values as rewards, serving as proof of competition for various hands-on materials. This approach sought to satisfy the students’ basic psychological needs, enhance autonomous motivation, and improve learning performance to fulfill curriculum requirements. Furthermore, behavior sequence analysis was used to examine the students’ learning behaviors under different motivational influences, as well as various cognitive states.In summary, this study used a quasi-experimental research design in which the experimental group engaged in hands-on PjBL activities with the integration of a digital game and NFTs, while the control group participated in PjBL activities only. The research results indicated that the students in the experimental group demonstrated significantly better outcomes in terms of their basic psychological needs, autonomous motivation, and learning performance compared with those in the control group. Moreover, in terms of learning behaviors, the students in the experimental group exhibited more interactive and constructive behaviors, which were influenced by better cognitive states and autonomous motivation. These findings provide further evidence that integrating a digital game with NFTs into hands-on PjBL activities in the Life Technology curriculum not only satisfied the students’ basic psychological needs but also enhanced their learning motivation and performance. This study expanded on the integration of digital games and NFT applications into the curriculum based on the self-determination theory.
According to the self-determination theory, when a learning environment satisfies students’ basic psychological needs, namely, autonomy, competence, and relatedness, it generates autonomous motivation. This motivation leads to happier and more proactive learning experiences, resulting in better performance. In the context of Taiwan’s 12- Year Basic Education Curriculum Guidelines, the technology and application theme in the Life Technology curriculum has been incorporated into hands-on project-based learning (PjBL) activities. However, knowledge construction for these activities often relies on traditional instructional approaches, such as lecturing, which hinders students from effectively applying their learned knowledge to hands-on activities. As a result, their autonomy, competence, and relatedness remain unfulfilled, leading to decreased learning motivation and poor performance.Therefore, this study aimed to fulfill the students’ three basic psychological needs—autonomy, competence, and relatedness—by implementing PjBL strategies and developing a digital game that was integrated into hands-on PjBL activities. The game provided the students with opportunities for autonomous learning and challenging tasks.Additionally, it utilized blockchain technology to design non-fungible tokens (NFTs) at different levels and values as rewards, serving as proof of competition for various hands-on materials. This approach sought to satisfy the students’ basic psychological needs, enhance autonomous motivation, and improve learning performance to fulfill curriculum requirements. Furthermore, behavior sequence analysis was used to examine the students’ learning behaviors under different motivational influences, as well as various cognitive states.In summary, this study used a quasi-experimental research design in which the experimental group engaged in hands-on PjBL activities with the integration of a digital game and NFTs, while the control group participated in PjBL activities only. The research results indicated that the students in the experimental group demonstrated significantly better outcomes in terms of their basic psychological needs, autonomous motivation, and learning performance compared with those in the control group. Moreover, in terms of learning behaviors, the students in the experimental group exhibited more interactive and constructive behaviors, which were influenced by better cognitive states and autonomous motivation. These findings provide further evidence that integrating a digital game with NFTs into hands-on PjBL activities in the Life Technology curriculum not only satisfied the students’ basic psychological needs but also enhanced their learning motivation and performance. This study expanded on the integration of digital games and NFT applications into the curriculum based on the self-determination theory.
自我決定理論, 專題導向式學習, 數位遊戲式學習, 非同質化代幣, 學習行為, self-determination theory, project-based learning, game-based learning, non-fungible tokens, learning behavior