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本研究旨在設計一套以單車環島為內涵之探索教育課程方案,探討此課程對高關懷國中生自我效能、情緒智能及心理健康的效果。研究方法主要採前後測準實驗設計,研究對象為桃園市某國中24名高關懷學生,實驗組12名,對照組12名。實驗組學生接受單車環島探索教育課程,對照組則不做任何實驗處理。 本研究使用的量化評量工具包括「中學生自我效能量表」、「中學生情緒智能量表」及「正向心理健康量表」,對受試者於實驗課程進行前後,個別進行前測、後測,所得分數以獨立樣本t考驗進行統計分析,同時分析質性資料包括實驗組成員的訪談內容、課程學習單、活動心得、單車騎乘日誌及回饋內容,以做為瞭解實驗結果之佐證。本研究的主要結論分述如下: 一、自我效能部分:單車環島探索教育課程提升高關懷國中生「人際關係」及「體能表現」,而在「學習表現」及「生涯發展」沒有效果。 二、情緒智能部分:單車環島探索教育課程無助於提升高關懷國中生之「情緒認知」、「情緒表達」、「正向激勵」及「情緒調節」。 三、心理健康部分:單車環島探索教育課程無助於提升高關懷國中生之「自我悅納」、「人際關係」、「家庭和諧」、「情緒平衡」及「樂觀進取」。 四、實驗組學生對本探索教育課程方案之內容與安排感到滿意,且認為能夠增進整體在校適應能力。 研究者依據研究之結果進行分析討論,並給予建議,以做為後續輔導實務與未來研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to design a curriculum with adventure education in cycling around Taiwan as the connotation to explore the effect of this course on the self-efficacy, emotional intelligence and mental health by junior high school students who were by highly-concerned. The research method mainly consists of pretestposttest quasi-experimental design. The participants were 24 high-concerned students from a junior high school in Taoyuan City.There were 12 students in the experimental group and 12 students in control group. The experimental students received adventure education course in cycling around Taiwan. The control team did not do any experimental processing. The quantitative instruments utilized to examine the effects of the study were the "Self Efficacy Scale for Junior High School Students", the "Emotional Intelligence Scale for Junior High School Students" and the "Positive Mental Health Scale",administered before and the end of the 21 weeks of adventure education course. The scores were statistically analyzed by independent sample t test. At the same time, the qualitative data including the interviews with members of the experimental group, learning sheet, the activity report, diary of cycling and the feedback contents were used as evidence for understanding the experimental results. The main conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. Self-efficacy:The adventure education course in cycling around Taiwan had significantly improved the "interpersonal relationship" and "physical performance" of the highly-concerned junior high school students. There was no difference between "learning performance" and "career development". 2. Emotional intelligence:The adventure education course in cycling around Taiwan had not improved the "emotional cognition", "emotional expression", "positive motivation" and "emotional adjustment" of the highly-concerned junior high school students. 3. Mental health:The adventure education course in cycling around Taiwan had not improved the "self-acceptance", "interpersonal relationship", "family harmony", "emotional balance" and "optimistic and progressive" of the highly-concerned junior high school students. 4. The students in the experimental group were satisfied with the content and arrangement of the program of the adventure education course in cycling around Taiwan, and believed that it can enhance the overall adaptability of the school. Based on the results, researcher conducted analysis and discussion, in addition to offer some suggestions for counseling practices and research in the future.



探索教育課程, 高關懷學生, 自我效能, 情緒智能, 心理健康, Adventure education course, Highly-concerned students, Self-efficacy, Emotional intelligence, Mental health





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