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  文化旅遊在旅遊休閒領域中已然成為不可擋的趨勢,尤其近年來原住民觀光蔚為一股風潮。具有獨特性的文化是遊客對原住民部落感興趣的重要因素之一,如何運用族群文化資源結合旅遊,滿足遊客感受,貼近遊客生活經驗是一重要課題。然而在參與族群文化時,因為主/客的立場、關係、認知不同,互動時會有不少落差與影響,對於當地人文及自然環境產生不小的改變。如何發展文化旅遊但不過度消費部落本身的傳統,讓主/客能從中獲得成長,此一議題便值得關注。   本研究以台東卑南族建和部落為例,運用準參與觀察與非參與觀察、深度訪談等方法來搜集資料,選擇東道主與遊客受訪者各五位,以民族誌體例書寫,並以旅遊人類學中的主/客關係為分析角度,再輔以文化旅遊理論基礎與研究者田野經驗設計訪談大綱,針對東道主與遊客深入瞭解建和部落的代表特色、東道主與遊客互動之現象、文化旅遊產生的影響、文化旅遊的未來發展等面向。   分析部份則分別從東道主與遊客的角度,根據各自的訪談內容進行對照分析,做出發展文化旅遊的潛力(文化資源的豐富性與發展限制、部落內部的溝通與協調、追求文化保存與發展旅遊的平衡)、東道主與遊客互動關係之建立、文化旅遊中的交換行為等三項結論。研究貢獻則為厚實文化旅遊的理論深度、增進遊客對文化旅遊的認識與瞭解、提供原住民部落文化旅遊的發展規劃。研究建議部份,建議遊客要抱持尊重的心態、學習的謙卑感以及同理的視角;東道主部份則從資源盤點與整合、引進外部資源、主客關係建立、制度規範、經營等給予實質建議。研究限制部份因受到研究者的身份、語言、時間、缺乏政府部門補助計畫的資料等影響,因此本研究未盡完美。本研究對於後續研究方向也做出可針對建和部落發展文化旅遊的成果檢視、補全政府部門補助計畫的資料參考、進行比較研究、關注文化旅遊對部落文化產生的質變研究等建議。
Cultural tourism has almost become a trend in the field of tourism and leisure, especially aboriginal tourism. Aboriginal culture is so unique that it is one of the important factors in tourism to tourists who are interested in it so that how to associate the culture resource with tourism, to satisfy tourists, and to close to tourists’ life experiences are the important issues when it comes to aboriginal cultural tourism. In fact, aborigines are the hosts of its culture. The hosts and tourists usually have different points of views, relationships, and cognitive differences. However, there are still a big gap and impacts between hosts and tourists, and the changes of culture and natural environment as well. Hence, how to appropriately develop culture tourism with the traditional culture of tribe to make hosts and tourists win-win situation is a big issue. Kasavakan tribe of Taitung Puyuma is a well-known aboriginal village in Taiwan, in which most of its aboriginal-style attractions are popular for tourists. To understand the tribe and the visitors, participate observation and non-participant observation, in-depth interviews and other methods are used in this study to collect research data from selected five hosts and five tourists of Kasavakan tribe. To understand the interactions between hosts and tourists in anthropology of sightseeing tourism and travel, the designed interview questions were based on the theory of culture tourism and the researcher’s field experience to represent the main feathers of Kasavakan, the phenomenon of interaction between hosts and tourists, the influences of culture tourism, and the future development of cultural tourism in ethnography style. To analyze the data, contract analysis was used in this study according to the collected data from the five hosts and the five tourists. The three conclusions are as follows: the potentiality of culture tourism development (i.e. the great culture resources and development restrictions, internal communication and coordination of Kasavakan tribe, and the balance of culture preserve and tourism development), the interaction between hosts and guests, and the exchange behavior of culture tourism. The research contributions are enriching cultural tourism theory, making tourists understand more about culture tourism, and providing culture tourism planning of aboriginal tribes. For suggestions, tourists should be respectful, humble and empathic. For the hosts, it is suggested that hosts could focus on resource inventory and integration, introducing external resources, building the relationship between hosts and guests, developing rules, and managing. Researcher’s identity, languages, research period, and the lack of authorities’ materials were the limitations. For further study, it is suggested to overlook the development of Kasavakan culture tourism, to reinforce authorities’ materials, to conduct comparative research, and to consider the qualitative change of Kasavakan’s culture in culture tourism. Keyword:Culture Tourism, Puyuma, Kasavakan



文化旅遊, 卑南族, 建和部落, Culture Tourism, Puyuma, Kasavakan





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