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摘要 本研究目的在比較表現獲知和結果獲知對輕度智能障礙者壘球高手投擲及低手滾球動作技能學習成效。研究方法採用單一受試實驗設計方法,以交替處理設計進行研究。研究對象為兩位七和八年級輕度智能障礙學生,受試者在介入階段實施十二堂回饋教學,維持階段實施八堂測驗,以及類化階段八堂測驗,測驗結果以視覺分析法和C統計,比較不同教學回饋策略對動作技能學習在學習立即成效、保留成效及類化成效的差異。實驗結果得到的結論:(一)表現獲知和結果獲知對輕度智能障礙學生動作技能學習能產生顯著的學習立即成效,且表現獲知優於結果獲知;(二)表現獲知和結果獲知對輕度智能障礙學生動作技能學習能產生顯著的保留成效,且表現獲知優於結果獲知;(三)表現獲知和結果獲知對輕度智能障礙學生動作技能學習能產生顯著的類化成效,且表現獲知優於結果獲知。最後基於上述發現,本研究進行更深入的討論,同時也為實務工作者和未來研究者提供建議。
Abstract The primary purpose of this study was to compare the learning effects of KP and KR on the softball pitching and ball-rolling skills by students with mild mental retardation . The study employed the alternative treatment design of the single subject research. Participants consisted of two students with mild mental retardation in seventh and eighth grades, and received KP and KR teaching feedback test by this study for twelve sessions at the comparison phase, eight sessions at retention phase, and another eight sessions at generalization phase. The test results were processed by visual analysis and C statistics to compare the differences between KP and KR teaching feedback strategies on the learning effects in the immediate, retained, and generalized settings. The results were as follows: 1. Both the KP and KR teaching feedback could help participants obtain good and immediate learning effect in the movement skill, and KP outperformed KR. 2. Both the KP and KR teaching feedbacks could help participants obtain good and maintain learning effect in the movement skill, and KP was better than KR. 3. Both the KP and KR teaching feedback methods could help participants obtain good and generalized learning effect in the movement skill, and KP was again a better choice than KR. Based on the above findings further discussion was addressed and suggestions made for practitioners and future researchers.



表現獲知, 結果獲知, 智能障礙學生, 交替處理設計, 動作技能, Knowledge of Performance, Knowledge of Result, student with mental retardation, Alternating Treatment Designs, movement skill





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