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自然回饋是多數運動技能學習過程中主要的來源,而由於自然回饋的操弄不易,其對運動學習影響的文獻缺乏,因此在動力系統的架構下,以學習曲線的分析探討不同自然回饋強度對運動技能學習的影響。本研究的問題為:(一)不同自然回饋強度是否造成不同的學習率?(二)在相同起始行為下,先學習較困難組與先學習較容易組,其學習率的比較。(三)在轉移前、轉移後個人學習曲線適配,對數函數或是指數函數較為適配?回饋強度以相同的總質量,不同的轉動慣量來界定控觸覺回饋強度,以可程式控制器進行穩定時間的測量,實驗參加者共計16名,分派至20﹪--80﹪組、80﹪--20﹪組二組,每組各8名,紀錄前測30﹪、20﹪、80﹪、後測30﹪的穩定時間進行指數函數與對數函數的非線性迴歸分析、穩定時間的比較,本研究的結論為:(一)相同的總質量,不同的轉動慣量造成不同動作的難度。轉動慣量愈大,動作難度較低,動作表現較佳;轉動慣量愈小,動作難度較高,動作表現較差。(二)操弄不同的學習順序先學簡單或困難組對不同階段的影響,練習效果—先學習較困難組表現上優於先學習較簡單組:學習效果—二組間沒有顯著差異。(三)轉移的閾值設定過低,無法說明在不同學習階段學習曲線為何種型態。 關鍵詞:動力系統(dynamical systems)、運動技能學習(motor learning)、學習曲線(learning curve)、控觸覺回饋(haptic feedback)、自然回饋(nature feedback)
Nature feedback is the main source of feedback in motor learning process. Because natural feedback is not easily manipulated, there has been few natural feedback-related studies in the motor learning literature. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of the intensity of natural feedback on motor skill acquisition under the dynamical systems framework. Three research problems were raised in this study: 1. Did the intensity level of natural feedback affect practice performance? 2. Did the order of practice condition affect learning? 3. Which fitting function, exponential or power law, had better fitting result for the learning curves? Sixteen college students participated in this experiment. The participants were assigned to one of the two groups: 20%-80% and 80%-20%. The balance time of each condition was analyzed for performance. The results showed that: 1. Larger moment of inertia provides stronger haptic feedback which resulted in a easier task; 2. Practice more difficult task first resulted in better performance, but had no effect on learning; and 3. The data analyzed could not provide support for either exponential or power law learning function because the criterion of success was set too low. Keywords: dynamical systems, motor learning, learning curve, haptic feedback



動力系統, 運動技能學習, 學習曲線, 控觸覺回饋, 自然回饋, dynamical systems, motor learning, learning curve, haptic feedback, nature feedback





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