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但現今社會的進步與繁榮,人類所接受的資訊越來越多,導致吸收的訊息有限之外,更影響了人類傾向接收有趣、多元性、富有吸引力的內容。創世神話本身探討的是萬物的起源,故事性相對於其他類別神話相對較低之外,很多民族的創世神話記載多為片段式,文獻也較為不完整以致於漸漸不被民眾所注意。本研究期望提升現代人對於創世神話的關注度,透過文獻的完整整理,可使民眾對創世神話產生興趣。創作部分以敘事設計方法論來整理並分析創世神話,找出神話的中可以吸引觀者的元素及提升故事性,呈現媒介為資訊設計(Information Design)的分支資訊圖像(Information Graphics),透過圖文並茂且容易理解的方式,探討如何有效能的把創世神話的內容和內涵傳達給社會大眾。
Myths have always been around in our lives. They enrich our daily lives and our imagination. In addition, we can find myths everywhere from books, paintings, music, literature and movies. Therefore, myths are closely bound to our daily lives. The most important type of myths is creation myth, because it describes the origins of lives and our ancestors’ imagination on how the world was created. This can be seen from the tales of human origins and stories about the moon and stars. Creation myth explores the origin of all things, and the storyline is less appealing, when compared to other category of Myths. Creation Myths’ records are often fragmented and incomplete. Thus, it is sometimes harder to understand and easily gets unnoticed by the public. This paper attempts to identify and analyzes the elements of the myths, and use those elements to attract the viewers and to enhance the appeal of the stories through narrative design methodology. The conclusion is presented through Information Design and with poster of myths in Information graphics. This research is aimed to explore the efficiently way to present the Creation Myths’ contents and it’s meanings to the public with illustrations and explanatory texts, in an easily understandable way. On the design theory part, through collation and analysis of the creation myth narrative combined with design method content and visual elements, this paper will provide a design method for the designers to systematically complete their infographics work.
Myths have always been around in our lives. They enrich our daily lives and our imagination. In addition, we can find myths everywhere from books, paintings, music, literature and movies. Therefore, myths are closely bound to our daily lives. The most important type of myths is creation myth, because it describes the origins of lives and our ancestors’ imagination on how the world was created. This can be seen from the tales of human origins and stories about the moon and stars. Creation myth explores the origin of all things, and the storyline is less appealing, when compared to other category of Myths. Creation Myths’ records are often fragmented and incomplete. Thus, it is sometimes harder to understand and easily gets unnoticed by the public. This paper attempts to identify and analyzes the elements of the myths, and use those elements to attract the viewers and to enhance the appeal of the stories through narrative design methodology. The conclusion is presented through Information Design and with poster of myths in Information graphics. This research is aimed to explore the efficiently way to present the Creation Myths’ contents and it’s meanings to the public with illustrations and explanatory texts, in an easily understandable way. On the design theory part, through collation and analysis of the creation myth narrative combined with design method content and visual elements, this paper will provide a design method for the designers to systematically complete their infographics work.
敘事式設計, 敘事式設計方法, 資訊圖像, 資訊設計, 創世神話, Narrative Design, Narrative Design Methodology, Information design, Information graphics, Creation myth