知覺工業4.0能力落差 之研究-以工具機產業為例

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近年來,隨著科技智慧化的抬頭以及工業4.0的崛起,智慧自動化生產成為目前科技業重視的議題之一。工業4.0改變了全球製造業現況,智慧工廠提高了生產效能並帶動新商業模式的產生,物聯網結合資通訊產業,使相關技術貫穿供應鏈與生產鏈,體現企業整體價值。 工業4.0智慧製造是台灣工具機產業轉型之關鍵,從精密機械走向智慧機械、從單機走向系統。在工業4.0的發展目標與願景下,台灣工具機廠商需要急起直追,並因應台灣整體產業優勢,找到最適合的發展模式,補足工業4.0能力之落差,期能在競爭之國際局勢中,搶得先機。 本研究旨在探討工具機產業落實工業4.0能力落差,以個人背景變項進行一般能力與專業能力之差異情形討論與研究,而研究設計以重要工具機展會參展業者/人員為文卷調查發放目標,以自編調查問卷,作為研究調查工具,共發放331份,回收有效問卷307份,有效回收率為92.74%。根據統計結果,歸納出下列研究結論: 一、 整體能力落差(一般能力與專業能力),受測者感受達中上程度,且年齡等四個變項具有顯著知覺能力落差。 二、 在專業能力部分,在「物聯網專業能力」、「智慧機械/機器人專業能力」、「虛實整合專業能力」與「精實管理專業能力」四個構面的知覺能力落差較顯著。 三、 任職產業為學校與研發單位,知覺工業4.0能力落差無論是一般能力或專業能力最不顯著。 根據上述的研究結論,對於能力落差較低者,可進行各專業能力的培訓;對於較大能力落差的部分則可聘僱專才人員或採取不同產業策略聯盟方式,提供臺灣工具機廠商參考。
"Industry 4.0" has changed the pattern of manufacturing industry globally and the smart factory has improved production efficiency and generate the new business models,, this technology-push leads to human resource-demand made the necessary to study the competence discrepancy to set up for employee recruiting and trainging practice to enhance firms’ international competition. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the competence disparity by comparing before and after adapting Industry 4.0 in Taiwan’s machine tools industry. The questionnaires were issued by convenience sampling 331 questionnaires, 24 removed invalid samples, 307 valid samples, the rate of useful response was 92.7%. The results of this study indicated that (1) Perceived disparity of overall competency (domain-general and domain-specific) were above average, there were difference in term of age, job levels, education level and so on. (2) The professional competency part, "The internet of things", "Smart machine/robot", "Cyber physical system" and "Lean management" four itmes of professional showed that the ability perception of competence disparity are significant. (3) Participants who worked for education industry/research units have perceived themselves less competency disparity in the domain-general and domain-specific. According to the above findings, the implication of this study suggested that the companies of Taiwan’s Machine Tools Industry some valuable information to train the talents with low competence disparity or to hire those people with high level of domain-general and specific talents.



工業4.0, 工具機, 智慧機械, 能力落差, 專業能力, 一般能力, Industry 4.0, Machine tools, smart machinery, Competency disparity, Professional ability, General ability





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