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本研究目的是設計具有資料隱藏功能的音訊互動節目單,於可見光下目視為音樂會節目單外,並在紅外線偵測下,透過攝影機讀取節目單上之隱藏二維條碼浮水印,聽到音樂會曲目中具有代表性的音符,讓觀眾藉著翻閱節目單以產生互動。研究方法是將音訊編碼成二維條碼(2D barcode),並利用紅外線浮水印技術將二維條碼隱藏。紅外線浮水印是由數位半色調技術所設計,其半色調網點以調幅網點(AM)與調頻網點(FM)所組成的。藉由紅外光對不同色墨之穿透性差異,以紅外線攝影裝置抽取浮水印,經影像處理後解密產生音訊,以驗證加密效果。研究結果顯示此互動系統,在紅外線偵測音樂節目單時,可成功地辨認二維條碼並同時發出音訊;本研究製作出兼具可正常閱讀並產生音訊互動的音樂會節目單,未來可以應用在各種音樂會,讓觀眾不只能從節目單得到展演資訊,並可藉由互動聽到該音樂會的部份音訊內容,讓觀眾回味無窮,賦予節目單新的意義。此音訊互動系統可擴展應用在紙張播放聲音,並對於互動藝術、數位學習、遊戲研發與防偽技術有許多潛在的應用前景。
The goal of this research is to design an audio interactive program that has data hidden capability. It allows audiences to listen the typical music notes in the concert program under infrared detection, whereas it shows program information under visible light. The audiences interact with the program by just flipping pages. They hear the typical music notes in the concert program through the webcam which capture the 2D barcode watermark of the program. The research method is to encode audio files into the 2D barcode, and we utilize the infrared watermark technique to hide the 2D barcode later. The digital halftoning technique has been used to make the infrared watermark composed of halftone dots by amplitude modulation (AM) and frequency modulation (FM). Subsequently, with different spectral reflectance of inks under infrared light, we extract the watermark by the infrared webcam and use the computer to decode it and to play the sound to verify our encryption effect. Consequently, the results show that this interactive system successfully recognizes the barcode and synthesizes audio under infrared detection of a concert program which is also valid for human observation of the contents. In addition, we manufacture audio interactive program. This concert program can be applied to any music concert in the future. This will make audiences not only get the concert information, but also interact with the program by hearing some typical music notes. It would make audiences unforgettable and give new meaning to the concert program. This audio interactive system has greatly expanded the capability of the printout paper to audio display and also has many potential applications in interactive art, e-learning, game development and anti-counterfeiting technology.



資料隱藏, 二維條碼, 數位影像處理, 半色調, data hiding, 2D barcode, digital image processing, halftoning





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