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  本研究旨在使用5E的教學模式研發一套高一災害課程,並且經由研究者實際進行教學,以期能了解本次課程對於學生學習前後的成就改變。本研究之研究對象為台北市立某高中高一學生共6班230人。研究設計採單一組前、後及延宕測試,經由試題、問卷以及線上動畫測試以期能了解學生在進行災害課程之後,對於災害的知識、情意及技能方面的改變。最後以敘述性統計、t考驗(paired samples t-test)、相關分析(pearson-r )等統計方法進行量化的分析。主要研究結果顯示: 一、學生經過此次災害課程之後,其知識方面的學習有顯著的進步 (P<0.01,ES=1.04 )。顯示本研究所使用之5E探究式災害課程可以增進學生的災害知識。 二、學生經過此次災害課程之後,其情意方面有顯著的改變 (P<0.01,ES=0.48)。顯示本研究所使用的課程對於學生的情意方面有顯著的增強 三、學生經過此次災害課程之後,其對於滅火器的操作技能有顯著的改變 (P<0.01,ES=0.58),顯示本研究課程中對於學生操作滅火器的技能有顯著的加強。 四、火災動畫測試時間與分述的資料分析上呈現負相關,可知學生作答的速度 越快分數越高。 五、由問卷即是提資料分析可知,學生對於節能減碳、全球暖化、人為災害等等災害的知識是相當不足的,經由本次災害課程之後,有得到顯著的進步。
  This research is to develop a disasters curriculum by using 5E learning-inquiry cycle model and see the changes among students before and after using this model. Subjects in this study are 230 students in a senior high school in Taipei. Research design used pretest, protest and delay test and conducted disasters curriculum through online animation test, questions and questionnaires in order to help students get the knowledge, attitude and the changes in skills about disasters. Last, a quantitative analysis was made by descriptive statistics, paired samples t-test and person-r analyze. The main results shown in the following: 1.After disasters curriculum, the students made significant process (P<0.01,ES=0.48), which shows that 5E learning-inquiry cycle Model curriculum could increase students’ knowledge for disasters. 2.After disasters curriculum, the attitude among students made significant changes, which shows that this curriculum can enhance the aspect of attitude. 3.After disasters curriculum, students’ skills in using fire extinguisher had significant changes (P<0.01,ES=0.58), which shows that this curriculum can strengthen students’ skills. 4.There was a negative correlation among the time used for fire animation test and the results mentioned above, which shows that the faster the students answered the questions, the higher grades they got. 5.The students’ disaster knowledge for carbon reduction, global warming and technological disaster is insufficient but they made significant progress after disasters curriculum.



5E探究式教學, 災害課程, 人為災害, 5E learning-inquiry cycle model curriculum, Disasters curriculum, Technological disaster





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