靜止 移動 漂浮-介於動態靜態之間的非線性網路藝術創作

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寫下詩句,將情感的起伏保留在詩裡,將狂喜、悲愴、期望、失落等等情緒擷取,將天空、海洋、森林、旭日、夕陽等景象以文字典藏。每一首詩是一個靜止的點,是寫詩者生命某一時間點的永恆保存。紀錄著稍縱即逝的感官經驗、生命體會。在熟悉的地域空間,找尋存在時間裡的記憶,樂於移動於回憶與歷史中,恣意地切換景物、歲月片段,在情緒、事件、物件所編寫出的詩篇中漂浮。 本創作以網路模式的動態視覺表現為內容,呈現二十篇新詩作品,藉由網際網路超連結模式,透過關鍵字,使篇與篇之間相互連結。各篇以其文字中的情緒、意境為視覺創作主體,繪製出屬於每篇文字的插圖。應用動畫軟體,使作品呈現動態效果,搭配音樂與音效。整體作品以網路為展示的場域,應用網際網路的多媒體功能,為本創作的主要呈現方式。 以靜止.移動.漂浮三種層次,論述作品概念。探究數位時代的藝術方向、新媒體藝術、網路美學,與超文件/超媒體本質的網路藝術相關作品,以及數位文學概況等。
Retaining one’s emotion in the poetry captures the happiness, sadness, expectation and regret. Words could keep the scenes of the sky, the ocean, and the sun. Every poem is a stationary period of preserving eternity of the writer’s feelings. It also records the fleeting sensory experience and life meaning. The writer enjoys looking for inspirations in the familiar spots between memories and histories, and willfully structuring the scenery and plot of the compositions, meanwhile, his or her minds floating on the works. My creation is one kind of Web Art attributed to dynamic representation by twenty poems through hyperlink making connections among each one. Twenty Illustrations was created for the sentiment and artistic conceptions of the twenty poems. In addition, using animation software and collating with music and sound effects emerge dynamic consequence. The whole production is presented on the Internet by multimedia function which is the basic application to display the main work. Stilling, Moving, and Floating are the three arrangements of ideas using to discuss the concept of the work. Moreover, this research focuses on the new orientation of art in the Digital Era, and explores New Media Art, Net Art, Hypertext and Hypermedia in Net Art, and digital literature.



網路藝術, 多媒體詩, 數位詩, 數位文學, 數位插畫, 非線性敘事, 漂浮, 圖文創作, Web Art, Net Art, media poetry, digital poetry, digital literature, digital illustration, non-linear narrative, float, picture book

