

本研究主要目的在探究國民中學視覺藝術教師對教學評量的認知及教學評量應用情形,並瞭解教學評量的認知與應用之間的關係。因此以宜蘭縣23所國民中學47位視覺藝術教師為研究對象,以自編「國中視覺藝術教師對教學評量之認知及相關研究問卷」進行調查,共得有效問卷45份。問卷調查所得的資料經過分析,歸納所得研究之重要結果如下: 一、宜蘭縣國民中學視覺藝術教師對教學評量認知情形經問卷調查結果並不理想,尤其在學理性及專有名詞部份答對人數較低;相對在實用性部份答對人數較高。 二、宜蘭縣國民中學視覺藝術教師對問卷所列舉15項教學評量方法,除少數評量方法,如同儕評量、參訪活動(校外教學)使用率偏低,其他方法則均能妥善運用。 三、宜蘭縣國民中學視覺藝術教師對教學評量成績呈現的方式均能採「質、量並重」方式進行。 四、就影響宜蘭縣國民中學視覺藝術教師教學評量認知的因素而言,教學服務年資越久者及師大或師院視覺藝術科系畢業者其教學評量認知成績均較低;其次,年輕教師對教學評量認知成績較高;最後在不同研習狀況部份,發現有達到統計上的顯著差異水準(F檢定為3.192*,p<0.05),經由事後比較得知「校內沒有辦理但有參加校外教學評量研習」者其教學評量認知成績高於「校內有辦理並有參加校外教學評量研習」者。 五、就宜蘭縣國民中學視覺藝術教師之師資養成背景是否影響教學評量之應用而言,師大、師院視覺藝術科系畢業者均低於一般大學教育學程或學士後教育學分班畢業者。歸納造成此結果原因可能與受訪教師人數比例有關。 六、就宜蘭縣國民中學視覺藝術教師之教學評量認知是否影響教學評量之應用情形而言,首先,與教學評量各種方法部份,考驗結果顯示,教學評量認知成績越高者,其使用「同儕評量」的機會也會很高。其次,與教學評量種類之間的關係,考驗結果顯示,教學評量認知成績越高者,其正確使用預備性評量、形成性評量的機會也會很高。其他在與教學評量次數及教學評量結果呈現與解釋部份,檢視結果均未達統計上的顯著差異水準。 最後,本研究根據研究結果,對國中視覺藝術教師與教育行政單位及未來研究方面,提供相關建議。
The main purpose of this study is to explore the cognition of teaching assessment of Visual Art Teachers in Junior High School and the application of teaching assessment and the relationship between such cognition and the application. The subjects we opted are 47 Visual Art Teachers in 23 Junior High School in Yi-Lan County, and the survey was conducted with own-compiled “Junior High School Visual Art Teachers’ Cognition of Teaching Assessment and Related Study Questionnaire”. 45 valid questionnaires were recovered. The data obtained through questionnaire survey were analyzed and concluded with the following findings: 1. The cognition of teaching assessment of visual arts teachers of Junior High School in Yi-Lan County is less than satisfactory, particularly in the response to the academic and proprietary terminologies, which is lower and is a contrast to the high results in practical terms 2. In the 15 teaching assessment methods listed in the questionnaire for Junior High School Visual Arts Teachers, most of them are applied properly, except peer assessment and field visiting, which has low rate of usage. 3. The results of teaching assessment of visual arts teachers of Junior High School in Yi-Lan County are mostly covered both quality and quantity in proper levels. 4. In the factors that affect the teaching assessment cognition of visual arts teachers in Junior High School of Yi-Lan County, the teaching assessment cognition scores of the teachers of higher seniority or graduate from visual arts departments of normal university / collect are relatively lower; younger teacher has higher score in teaching assessment cognition. Under different learning situation, it is found that there is difference reached at significant level statistically (F-test at 3.192*,p<0.05). The afterward comparison indicated that the ones “ attended out of school teaching assessment seminar, while the school was not offering” has higher score in teaching assessment cognition than the ones “attended out of school teaching assessment seminar while the school offered similar course”. 5. On whether the culturing background of visual arts teachers in Junior High School of Yi-Lan County affects the application of teaching assessment, those trained in visual arts departments of Normal college or Normal College are generally lower than the graduates from ordinary university with education program or credits. The cause of such results may be the limited numberof teachers surveyed. 6. As to the effect of the cognition of teaching assessment of visual art teachers in Yi-Lan County Junior High School on the application of teaching assessment, firstly, in the methods applied , the higher the score in teaching assessment cognition is, the higher is the application of peer assessment; the next, in the relationship with the type of teaching assessment, the higher the teaching assessment cognition score, the higher of properly applying preparatory assessment and forming assessment. Others in frequency of teaching assessment and teaching assessment results and the explanation, the tests indicated less than significant level statistically. Finally, we provided relevant suggestion for the administration unit, teachers of visual arts in Junior High School and future studies.



國中視覺藝術教師, 教學評量認知, 教學評量應用, Junior High School Visual Art Teachers', Cognition of Assessment, Application of Assessment





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