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1. 字彙自我調控能力與策略精熟度有適度的相關。用來鞏固字義的記憶策略和字彙自我調控能力相關係數最高。
2. 高字彙自我調控能力的學生和低字彙自我調控能力的學生,在英語字彙學習策略精熟度方面有達到顯著差異。兩組學生最精熟用來發現字義的決意策略,最不精熟用來鞏固字義的社會策略。
3. 受試者的字彙自我調控能力與他們的字彙量有顯著相關。策略的精熟度也發現和字彙量有顯著相關。
4. 受試者的字彙自我調控能力與他們的英語學習成就有顯著相關。策略的精熟度也和英語學習成就有顯著相關。
5. 性別在英語字彙學習策略和字彙自我調控能力上達到顯著差異。女性受試者往往比較精熟英語單字學習策略。
The present study aims to investigate the relationships of Taiwanese senior high school students’ vocabulary learning self-regulating capacity and mastery of vocabulary learning strategies to English achievement and English vocabulary size. Gender effect was also examined. Two hundred and twenty-six senior high school students (123 males and 103 females) were recruited to participate in this study. A vocabulary learning strategy mastery scale, a self-regulating capacity in vocabulary learning scale, and a Vocabulary Levels Test were adopted in the present study as instruments. The data collected from the questionnaire and the vocabulary levels test were analyzed by using SPSS 13.0, containing descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation, and t-tests. The major findings of the present study are summarized as follows: 1. There was a moderately strong correlation between vocabulary learning self-regulating capacity and mastery of strategy. Consolidation Memory Strategy was found to be most strongly correlated with vocabulary learning self-regulating capacity. 2. There was a significant difference in the mastery of total strategy and strategy categories between High and Low Self-regulating Groups. As for mastery of strategy, High and Low Self-regulating Groups mastered Discovery Determination Strategy the most while Consolidation Social Strategy the least well. 3. The participants’ self-regulating capacity was significantly and positively correlated with their vocabulary size. In addition, mastery of strategy was significantly and positively correlated with vocabulary size. 4. The participants’ self-regulating capacity was significantly and positively correlated with their English achievement. Moreover, English achievement was found to be significantly correlated with mastery of strategy. 5. Gender made a significant difference in mastery of vocabulary learning strategies and self-regulating capacity. Female participants had a tendency for mastering vocabulary learning strategies better. Based on the findings of the study, students’ vocabulary learning self-regulating capacity and mastery of vocabulary learning strategies were significantly associated with their English achievement and vocabulary size. Therefore, English teachers need to ensure that students could master vocabulary learning strategies well enough. In addition, teachers should help students cultivate sufficient self-regulating capacity to organize and monitor their vocabulary learning well. By doing so, learners may one day deal with English vocabulary independently and effectively.
The present study aims to investigate the relationships of Taiwanese senior high school students’ vocabulary learning self-regulating capacity and mastery of vocabulary learning strategies to English achievement and English vocabulary size. Gender effect was also examined. Two hundred and twenty-six senior high school students (123 males and 103 females) were recruited to participate in this study. A vocabulary learning strategy mastery scale, a self-regulating capacity in vocabulary learning scale, and a Vocabulary Levels Test were adopted in the present study as instruments. The data collected from the questionnaire and the vocabulary levels test were analyzed by using SPSS 13.0, containing descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation, and t-tests. The major findings of the present study are summarized as follows: 1. There was a moderately strong correlation between vocabulary learning self-regulating capacity and mastery of strategy. Consolidation Memory Strategy was found to be most strongly correlated with vocabulary learning self-regulating capacity. 2. There was a significant difference in the mastery of total strategy and strategy categories between High and Low Self-regulating Groups. As for mastery of strategy, High and Low Self-regulating Groups mastered Discovery Determination Strategy the most while Consolidation Social Strategy the least well. 3. The participants’ self-regulating capacity was significantly and positively correlated with their vocabulary size. In addition, mastery of strategy was significantly and positively correlated with vocabulary size. 4. The participants’ self-regulating capacity was significantly and positively correlated with their English achievement. Moreover, English achievement was found to be significantly correlated with mastery of strategy. 5. Gender made a significant difference in mastery of vocabulary learning strategies and self-regulating capacity. Female participants had a tendency for mastering vocabulary learning strategies better. Based on the findings of the study, students’ vocabulary learning self-regulating capacity and mastery of vocabulary learning strategies were significantly associated with their English achievement and vocabulary size. Therefore, English teachers need to ensure that students could master vocabulary learning strategies well enough. In addition, teachers should help students cultivate sufficient self-regulating capacity to organize and monitor their vocabulary learning well. By doing so, learners may one day deal with English vocabulary independently and effectively.
字彙自我調控能力, 字彙學習策略, 英語學習成就, 字彙量, Vocabulary Learning Self-regulating Capacity, Vocabulary Learning Strategies, English Achievement, Vocabulary Size