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本研究為驗證河川行水區的鳥類多樣性及其景觀資源,自2001年3月至2002年2月為期12個月,在台中縣大里溪大衛橋至中投公路大橋段,以每月4次,共進行48次之野生鳥類調查,記錄到的鳥類共有26科51種鳥類,合計15,518隻次。包括留鳥27種11,427隻次、候鳥20種3,192隻次、過境鳥1種12隻次、籠中逸鳥3種887隻次。根據Simpson's Index各月鳥類多樣性指標顯示,除8月及9月指數較低,分別為0.83及0.86外,其餘各月均維持在0.9以上。以季節來看,發現本區的鳥類豐富度以春、秋、冬三季較高,夏季較低,其中又以春季過境期3月至4月的48及47種鳥類最高,夏季以8月的20種鳥類最低。顯示大里溪鳥類群聚的多樣性。 以鳥類棲地類型來看:以草叢區的低地芒草原及灌叢的鳥類景觀資源最為豐富;人工設施區的農耕地及人工草地鳥相資源已銳減;而溪流區由於休閒遊憩及工程興修等人為干擾,已漸受影響。 河岸地為生物最豐富,生態最多樣化的水陸交界區域,提供當地留鳥及候鳥良好棲地,而人類活動的影響,常造成環境惡化,景觀資源遭受嚴重破壞,屬於都市河川的大里溪正面臨此一問題。期望公部門與私部門在日後河川景觀規劃及管理上,重視發展大里溪生態規劃與永續經營,以尋求人、環境與生態平衡和諧。
For studying the landscape resources of avifauna in the river bank of Taiwan, took the fieldworks on ten sites along the bank of Tali River, from Tawei Bridge to Chungtou Highway bridge; and four times each month from March, 2001 to February 2002. After one year’s investigation, there are 26 families and 51 species of birds recorded. Analyzing the total 15,518 recorded individuals, include 73 % resident birds (27 species); 21 % migratory birds(20 species); 5% cage birds(3 species); and 1% transit bird(1 species). According Simpson’s Index of bird’s variety, every month the birds’ diversity is higher than 0.9 ,except August(0.83)and September(0.86)the two months. The greater birds’ diversity occurred from Spring to Summer. The highest species richness (48 species) appeared in Winter and Spring ,then the lowest species richness(20 species)in Summer . The more important micro-habitats of birds are the association of awns and in the bushes, than the farmland ,artificial lawn and leisure areas. Because people and their leisure activities expelled most of the birds . From the results of richness and precious landscape resource of the Tali river bank, it examines the area integrating the fresh water and territorial ecosystem, is a good habitat for resident and migratory birds to live . Today, the public and private authorities of Tali city will pay more attention to the river and river bank’s ecological planning and seek for its sustaniable management.



河岸, 生物多樣性, 鳥類相, 棲地, 景觀資源, 人類活動, 永續經營, river bank, biodiversity, avifauna, habitat, landscape-resource, human’s activities, sustainable management





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