管樂團教材 3D Band Book 之使用調查–以新竹縣國民中學管樂團為例
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本研究旨在瞭解管樂團教材《3D Band Book》(三面向管樂團教本)之使用狀況,以新竹縣六所參賽之國中管樂團為對象,透過內容分析及訪談調查進行資料之蒐集與分析,獲致具體結論如下:
經由訪談發現,六校皆使用《3D Band Book》教學,其選用原因包括對團練進度易於規範、內容涵蓋合奏訓練各項目、有助於合奏感之建立、於國內使用相當普遍,但選用須視學生程度而定。使用時機多為樂團暖身之用,指導者會考量學生程度調整內容如移低八度或簡化音型等。多數指導者會就教材三面向編定其認為適切之教學順序且固定實施,多數亦推薦《Standard of Excellence》及《YAMAHA Band Student》作為前導教材。而對該教材於學生能力之提升,受訪者均認同對合奏之平衡、音準、節奏、聽力、樂理、視譜等具有助益,此與內容分析之發現一致,但多數受訪者提出該教材不適初學者及樂器特定技巧之訓練。
依據結論,研究者並就《3D Band Book》教材對管樂團組訓及未來研究方向等提出具體建議。
This study aimed to explore the use of band material 3D Band Book among the six junior high school bands in Hsinchu County, Taiwan. Content analysis and interviews were used as research methods. Conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. results of the content analysis From the compiled independent analysis of each unit of “Tune up-warm up”, “Key preparation”, and “Rhythm preparation”, the “Key preparation” contains 50% of the pages, 63.1% of the scores, 62% of the measures of this material as the most . And “4-beat meter” contains 78% in meters, “Basic beats” contains 53% in rhythms of melody and percussion, “One voice” contains 60% in voices, “Bb Major” contains 25% in tones, “8th-9th°” intervals contains 55% in tone distances, and the “I” chord contains 52% in main chords as the major portion in this book, which shows the 3D Band Book has a clear structure, balanced voices, integrated rhythmic patterns, specific training theme showing page by page, and delicate directions. 2. results of the instructors’ interviews All of the six junior high school band instructors chose this material because of its ease to set the progress, containing comprehensive ensemble training skills, helpfulness for cooperation, and universe in school bands of Taiwan. Nevertheless the instrumental ability of band members should be considered. Most instructors used this material for the band warm-up and sometimes arranged partly to suit the members. The teaching order of the 3-Dimension would be decided then followed during training courses. And most instructors recommended Standard of Excellence and YAMAHA Band Student for the preparation for 3D Band Book. All instructors agreed its improvement of students’ capacity and promotion of the ensemble performance with the same result of content analysis. At last those instructors reminded its inappropriateness for beginners and some specific instrumental skill lessons. Some suggestions to the teaching about school bands, and the future researches are provided.
This study aimed to explore the use of band material 3D Band Book among the six junior high school bands in Hsinchu County, Taiwan. Content analysis and interviews were used as research methods. Conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. results of the content analysis From the compiled independent analysis of each unit of “Tune up-warm up”, “Key preparation”, and “Rhythm preparation”, the “Key preparation” contains 50% of the pages, 63.1% of the scores, 62% of the measures of this material as the most . And “4-beat meter” contains 78% in meters, “Basic beats” contains 53% in rhythms of melody and percussion, “One voice” contains 60% in voices, “Bb Major” contains 25% in tones, “8th-9th°” intervals contains 55% in tone distances, and the “I” chord contains 52% in main chords as the major portion in this book, which shows the 3D Band Book has a clear structure, balanced voices, integrated rhythmic patterns, specific training theme showing page by page, and delicate directions. 2. results of the instructors’ interviews All of the six junior high school band instructors chose this material because of its ease to set the progress, containing comprehensive ensemble training skills, helpfulness for cooperation, and universe in school bands of Taiwan. Nevertheless the instrumental ability of band members should be considered. Most instructors used this material for the band warm-up and sometimes arranged partly to suit the members. The teaching order of the 3-Dimension would be decided then followed during training courses. And most instructors recommended Standard of Excellence and YAMAHA Band Student for the preparation for 3D Band Book. All instructors agreed its improvement of students’ capacity and promotion of the ensemble performance with the same result of content analysis. At last those instructors reminded its inappropriateness for beginners and some specific instrumental skill lessons. Some suggestions to the teaching about school bands, and the future researches are provided.
3D Band Book, 管樂團, 管樂團教材, 內容分析, 3D Band Book, school band, band material, content analysis