
dc.contributorHsiao, Hsien-Shengen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, Yi-Hsuanen_US
dc.description.abstract執行功能是一系列認知過程,用於協助問題解決和自我調整,而課堂的體育活動課程被認為是提升兒童身體活動和執行功能的一種方式。穩定性和運動技能是幼兒身體發育的重要先決條件,幼兒的動作技能會依循著一定的發展模式,孩童早期的運動發育,特別是動作技能是一個至關重要卻被忽視的領域。教學者需要思考如何運用科技讓教學過程趣味化,互動式體感遊戲更是吸引了孩童的注意,用以引發幼兒自發性的遊戲與學習。21 世紀興起了一股全球化浪潮,教育機關積極推動英語教學,在101年度基本學力檢測計畫成果報告的學生問卷分析可得知:較小開始學習英文者的分數較高,從中得知在幼稚園開始學英文的重要性。 本研究旨在探討不同教學方式(互動式體感遊戲、肢體活動課程)對幼稚園大班孩童學習者在執行功能、動作技能及英文學習成效之影響。運用記憶策略於互動式體感遊戲,建置一套生活化英文主題的教學課程,其中課程主題內容包含了數字、水果、顏色及動物,學習者透過互動式體感遊戲達到知識的學習、肢體動作的運用。研究對象為幼稚園大班孩童共67位學習者,實驗採用準實驗研究法,自變項為教學方式,依照不同教學方式分為互動式體感遊戲與肢體活動課程兩種;依變項為動作技能、英文學習成效和執行功能,包含工作記憶及抑制控制。研究結果為:(1)運用記憶策略於互動式體感遊戲能更有效的提升執行功能;(2)運用記憶策略於互動式體感遊戲能更有效的提升動作技能;(3) 運用記憶策略於互動式體感遊戲能更有效的提升學習成效。研究建議為:(1)遊戲提示的動作動畫需更加精確,以真人錄影示範動作,使幼兒易於觀看並模仿;(2)使用感測器的環境需避免在有玻璃牆的四周進行,以免有偵測異常的情形;(3)記憶策略四步驟的運用更加完全,將第一步驟,建立心理連結,整合進互動式體感遊戲中。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractExecutive function is a series of process of cognitive ability dealing with problem solving and self-regulation. And classroom-based physical activities are conceived as a way to foster preschoolers’ physical activities and executive function. Balance and motor skills are crucial prerequisites for physical development of a child. Motor development in early childhood, especially motor skills in preschool curriculum and programs, is a crucial yet neglected area. It is instructors’ responsibility to take technologies into consideration to make the teaching process more interesting. Moreover, the interactive gesture-based game draws children’s attention and they therefore are more interested in self-driven learning through the game. The tide of globalization is rising in the 21st century. Educational facilities have been proactively promoting English education. The analysis of Taipei City report, where Taipei’s attendees of the basic students competence assessment answered the questionnaires, shows that those who started to learn English in earlier ages achieved better results, leading to a conclusion of the importance of the English education in kindergartens. This research aims for constructing better understandings of different teaching methods, including the interactive gesture-based game and classroom-based physical activities, and developing discussions in performances of these methods in order to see the influences on children’s motor skills, English learning effectiveness and their executive function, included, working memory and inhibitory control. By utilizing the memory strategies in the interactive gesture-based game, we created a series of every-day-life English topics, for instance, topics containing vocabulary of numbers, fruits, colors and animals. Learners acquire knowledge while moving physically through the interactive gesture-based game. Research subjects are 67 kindergarteners; The experiment method is Quasi-Experimental Design; The independent variable is teaching method; Aligning with different teaching methods, programs are divided into the interactive gesture-based game and classroom-based physical activities. The dependent variables include executive function, motor skills and English learning effectiveness. Here are the results of this research: first, utilizing memory strategies and the interactive gesture-based game can effectively improve children’s executive function results; second, utilizing memory strategies and the interactive gesture-based game can effectively improve children’s motor skills results; third, utilizing memory strategies and the interactive gesture-based game can effectively improve children’s English learning effectiveness results.en_US
dc.subjectinteractive gesture-based gameen_US
dc.subjectexecutive functionen_US
dc.subjectmotor skillsen_US
dc.subjectmemory strategiesen_US
dc.subjectlanguage learningen_US
dc.titleThe Effect of Interactive Gesture-based Game on Preschoolers’ Executive Function, Motor Skills, and English Learningen_US

