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摘要 南方藝壇有一群創作者秉持對藝術熱忱,多年來持續在台南地區協助地方政府進行藝術推廣、教育工作,以有限的資源、人力下默默爲台灣美術貢獻心力。郭柏川等人憑藉一股對藝術的熱情,凝聚南部藝壇人士成立台南美術研究,畫會成員多元豐富的創作風貌、前瞻性的思維,努力在創作形式、風格上融合現代美學理念,重新思索不同於北部觀點的藝術表現,頗有重振南台灣藝壇的企圖心,更在創意、造型、色彩、技法上力求突破,逐漸成為台灣藝術史上另一股力量。 本研究主題「南方的美神-台南美術研究會」主要是以南美會的發展歷程與會員藝術作品和藝術活動為主。論述架構先將南美會從一九五二年至二○○八年間的會史發展劃分為萌芽期、成長期、發展期、轉型期四個階段,探討南美會從籌設、立案到內部組織架構建立的過程,再透過南美會各部風格的分析,深入了解藝術家創作理念與畫會整體特色的關係,最後再與同時代相似成立背景、組織模式的台陽展、中部展、南部展進行比較,藉此重新建構一套完整的台灣美術史。 本研究大致獲得以下結論: 一、南美會有別其他畫會在於從創立至今從未停止運作,二○○八年改名為 「台灣南美會」後,正式由地方性畫會組織躍升為全國性藝術團體。 二、每年的南美展結合西畫、國畫、立體雕塑和攝影四類,以創新多元的風 格、突破性的藝術思維,展現南台灣活潑明亮的特質,打破地方性畫會的 束縛,在全台各地散發璀璨耀眼的光芒。 三、南美會藝術家多來持守創會時的理念,以實際的行動表達對社會環境和 美術教育的重視與反思,在台灣各地孕育出許多耀眼美麗的明珠,共同串 聯出一條光彩奪目值得珍藏的藝術珍珠。
Abstract For decades, the Fine Arts of Southern Taiwan gathers a number of enthusiastic artists together and contribute great efforts continuously in promoting and educating the Fine Arts in Tainan, though limited resources are available. Artists who possess great passion in Fine Arts, such as Kao, Po-Chuan, established Tainan Fine Arts Association in order to unify the artists of Fine Arts in Southern Taiwan. With multi-rich diversity of innovative styles and forward-looking thinking, the members of Tainan Fine Arts Association have their performance connecting with Modern Fine Arts in various forms and styles. Pursuing to make a difference from the Fine Arts in North Taiwan, Tainan Fine Arts Association shows its ambition in reforming the Fine Arts in South Taiwan particularly the breakthrough in creativity、modeling、color、and skills, and gradually forming a new stream of Fine Arts in Taiwan art history. The study of “Southern Muse – Tainan Fine Arts Association” is focusing on the development of Tainan Fine Arts Association with related to the Arts performance and exhibitions of its artists. At first, the structure of Tainan Fine Arts Association is discussed on its developing process of initial establishment and internal organizational formation during 1952 to 2008 by 4 phases, including embryonic phase、developing phase、break-through phase、and transforming phase. Secondly, by analyzing the style of each category of Fine Arts in Tainan Fine Arts Association, the depth of artist creativity with related to the unique characteristic of this association will be discussed here. In comparison with Fine Arts associations of similar developing background、period and structure, such as Tai-Yan and Central Taiwan Fine Arts Association, this study intends to construct a new and complete Taiwan Fine Arts history. The conclusions of this study are listed as below : 1.Tainan Fine Arts Association is unique to other Fine Arts Association in Taiwan, for its operation has never been interrupted since establishment. Tainan Fine Arts Association had its name changed to Tainan Fine Arts Association Of Taiwan in 2008, and becoming a national Fine Arts Association instead of regional one since then. 2.In order to present the lively and bright characteristics of South Taiwan, each year, the exhibition of Tainan Fine Arts Association consists of the Fine Arts of Western painting、traditional Chinese painting、sculpture and photography through innovative styles and unprecedented artistic thoughts to overcome the limitation of regional Fine Arts Association. 3.The artists of Tainan Fine Arts Association adheres to their initial thoughts of establishment, they actively participate in activities with emphasis and reflection on social culture and Fine Arts education, and breed many dazzling artists united together to perform marvelously and preciously as a pearl necklace of Fine Arts in Taiwan.



台南美術研究會, 台灣南美會, 南台灣, 地方性, 台灣藝術史, 南方美神, Tainan Fine Arts Association, Tainan Fine Arts Association of Taiwan, Southern Taiwan, Regional, Taiwan Fine Arts history, Southern Muse





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