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本研究目的主要在了解苗栗縣某國中學生體重控制行為及體重控制健康信念包括:罹患性認知、嚴重性認知、利益性認、障礙性認知、節制飲食自我效能、規律運動自我效能並探討及其相關因素。本研究採結構式問卷調查方式,一百學年度第一學期以苗栗縣某國中學生為母群體,經分層集束抽樣,有效問卷為245份,其中有效回收率達85%。用SPSS for winders 17.0套裝軟體進行分析,研究結果如下:
一、 研究對象未來採取體重控制行為主要是「中立意見」佔36.7%,其次為「可能」佔31.4%。
二、 研究對象目前想要自己體重維持者占37.6%、減重者49.4%。
三、 研究對象因為肥胖引發相關疾病,在健康信念罹患性認知傾向「可能」、嚴重性認知傾向「嚴重」;對於執行體重控制的利益性傾向「非常同意」、障礙性認知傾向「中立意見」。
四、 研究對象在健康信念行動線索中,刺激經驗越多,執行體重控制行為越強。
五、 研究對象在節制飲食自我效能傾向「嚴重」、規律運動自我效能傾向「中立意見」。
六、 研究對象與未來體重控制行為健康信念之行動線索呈顯著相關。
七、 研究對象與未來體重控制行為在規律運動自我效能呈顯著相關。
八、 研究架構中各變項與未來體重控制行為解釋力達34.6%。可有
The thesis aimsed at the understanding of weight control behaviors in a junior high school in Miaoli. The belief in wight control includes “perceived susceptibility” and “perceived severity” cuased by obesity diseases; “perceived benefits,” “perceived barriers,” and “clues to action” caused by weight control behaviors. We also study self efficacy in diet control and regular exercises and survey the related factors. Thus, the thesis can be the basis of student weight control. The thesis adopted structured questionnaire. The students of a junior high school in the fall semester of the 100th school year in Miaoli County are populations. By way of atratified sampling, we got 245 valid questionnaires, and the effective response rate reached 85%. And we got the following results: 1. If the weight control behaviors of the objects of study were between 36.7% (neutral) and 31.4% (might); then they would be inclined to be “neutral.” 2. The objects of study who wanted to stay the same weight were 37.6%, and who wanted to lose weight were 49.4%. The objects of study who suffered from the diseases caused by obesity inclined to “might” in perceived susceptibility , “serious” in perceived severity, “strongly agree” in perceived benefits, and “neutral” in perceived barriers. 4. In the clues to action, the more stimulus experience the objects of study had, the stronger their weight control behaviors would be. 5. The objects of study incline to “serious” in the self efficacy in diet control, and “netral” in the self efficacy in regular execises. 6. The correlations between the objects of study and the weight control belief (clues to action) were positive, but the correlations between the objects of study. 7. The correlations between the objects of study and the self efficacy in regular exercises were positive. 8. The explanatory power of the variables and future weight control in the study structure was up to 34.6%. The valid predictor variables were sex, the type of build, the experience in weight control, and regular exercise self efficacy.
The thesis aimsed at the understanding of weight control behaviors in a junior high school in Miaoli. The belief in wight control includes “perceived susceptibility” and “perceived severity” cuased by obesity diseases; “perceived benefits,” “perceived barriers,” and “clues to action” caused by weight control behaviors. We also study self efficacy in diet control and regular exercises and survey the related factors. Thus, the thesis can be the basis of student weight control. The thesis adopted structured questionnaire. The students of a junior high school in the fall semester of the 100th school year in Miaoli County are populations. By way of atratified sampling, we got 245 valid questionnaires, and the effective response rate reached 85%. And we got the following results: 1. If the weight control behaviors of the objects of study were between 36.7% (neutral) and 31.4% (might); then they would be inclined to be “neutral.” 2. The objects of study who wanted to stay the same weight were 37.6%, and who wanted to lose weight were 49.4%. The objects of study who suffered from the diseases caused by obesity inclined to “might” in perceived susceptibility , “serious” in perceived severity, “strongly agree” in perceived benefits, and “neutral” in perceived barriers. 4. In the clues to action, the more stimulus experience the objects of study had, the stronger their weight control behaviors would be. 5. The objects of study incline to “serious” in the self efficacy in diet control, and “netral” in the self efficacy in regular execises. 6. The correlations between the objects of study and the weight control belief (clues to action) were positive, but the correlations between the objects of study. 7. The correlations between the objects of study and the self efficacy in regular exercises were positive. 8. The explanatory power of the variables and future weight control in the study structure was up to 34.6%. The valid predictor variables were sex, the type of build, the experience in weight control, and regular exercise self efficacy.
國中學生, 健康信念模式, 自我效能, 體重控制行為, jounor high school stundents, health belief model, self efficacy, weight control behaviors