
dc.description.abstract中文摘要 本研究主要目的係規劃我國技術職業教育電機電子群培育技術人力之專業技術能力之銜接,如何因應未來產業發展的需求,做好水平整合、垂直分工,達到「七年一貫、無縫銜接」的理想目標。研究方法係採德懷術(Delphi Technique)專家評估法進行實證評估,並結合文獻探討、職業分析、內容分析等方法進行規劃研究。 本研究首先透過文獻探討,蒐集國內外職業分類、現行技職學校課程標準及規劃中的技職一貫課程,以職業分析及內容分析法,以產業界用人的觀點,彙整電機電子業技術人員應備專業職務與能力,共計基層技術人員專業職務31項,技術能力171項,中級技術人員專業職務32項,技術能力153項,高級技術人員專業職務34項,技術能力165項,合計專業職務97項,技術能力489項,作為編製德懷術需求程度評估表之依據。其次,經由十三位專家審查評估表內容項目,統整簡併為中性的職務名稱與技術能力項目,彙整為正式評估表,共計「專業職務」23項,「技術能力」171項。分為基層、中級、高級三層級技術人員,各層級再依操作、裝置、維修、應用、檢測、分析、設計、管理、研發等九種技術能力層次,分別就23項專業職務一一評估其需求程度。最後,依據三次德懷術評估結果,規劃預定培育技術人員之培育目標及專業能力之銜接。獲得結論如下: 一、 電機電子業技術人員應備職務統整歸納為23項專業職務及171項專業技術能力。 二、 電機電子業基層技術人員必備專業職務12項,能力18項,應備專業職務15項、能力22項,外圍專業職務20項,能力52項;中級技術人員必備專業職務9項、能力10項,應備專業職務23項,能力83項,外圍專業職務23項,能力54項;高級技術人員必備專業職務15項,能力28項,應備專業職務23項,能力65項,外圍專業職務23項,能力84項。 三、高職以培育操作、裝置、維修電機電子設備產品之能力為主要目標,應用、檢測電機電子設備產品之能力為次要目標。二專以培育應用、檢測、分析電機電子設備產品之能力為主要目標,以設計電機電備產品為次要目標。技術學院/科技大學以培育設計應用、檢測、分析、管理、研發電機電子設備產品之能力為主要目標。 四、高職電機電子群以電機電子工具儀器、數位邏輯電路、電子電路、工業電子、微處理機/單晶片等5項職務,26項相關技術能力為共同核心能力;群組能力則包含18項職務及70項技術能力。 五、二專電機電子群以電機電子工具儀器、數位邏輯電路、電子電路、電腦軟體及網際網路等5項職務,25項相關技術能力為共同核心能力;群組能力則包含18項職務及81項技術能力。 六、技術學院及科技大學電機電子群以電機電子工具儀器、數位邏輯電路、電子電路、電腦軟體及網際網路等5項職務、25項相關技能力為共同核心能力;群組能力則包含5項職務及91項技術能力。 七、技職教育體系中,高職、二專及技術學院/科技大學電機電子群預定培育專業能力之銜接架構,如圖6-1所示,高職系培養具操作、裝置、維修、專業技術能力之基層技術人員,二專係繼續培養具應用、檢測、分析及設計專業技術能力之中級技術人員,技術學院/科技大學培養具應用、檢測、分析、設計、管理、研發之專業技術能力之高級技術人員,三者之間應互為銜接。 最後,本研究依據研究發現與結論,分別就技職課程發展模式、後續課程設計、技職一貫課程規劃、綜合高中專門學程規劃、高職轉型社區學院等方面,對未來技職學校系科設置與課程發展之規劃課題,提出具體可行的建議及後續研究的建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract The purpose of this study was aiming to organize the integration of professional competencies in Electrical and Electronic Cluster for vocational and technological schools, and thus made the seven-year-curriculum alignment policy carried out efficiently and assured it was responding to the need of the industrial development. This was accomplished by adopting Delphi Technique to gain the authentic assessment results, while Thesis Study, Occupational Analysis and Content Analysis were operated as well. To define the Indispensable Proficiency and Technical Competence for technical workforce in electrical and electronic field, researcher firstly collected supportive relevant information from world occupational classification, Technological and Vocational Curriculum Standard and Curriculum Alignment, through which Occupational Analysis and Content Analysis were exerted with hiring standard carried on in current industrial field. Based on the results, 31 proficiencies and 171 technical competences were indispensable for entry-level skilled workers, 32 proficiencies and 153 technical competences for mid-level technical personnel, while 34 and 165, high-level technician or engineer. Accordingly, the Delphi Demanding Scale Assessment was edited. Furthermore, the results, examined by thirteen experts, were converged and compiled into 23 proficiencies and 171 technical competences as a formal evaluation form, in which nine technical competences –operation, installation, maintenance, application, inspection, analysis, design, management, research and development— were classified and assessed respectively from three level workforces (entry-level, mid-level and high-level technical workers) to find out the required skills of each. Finally, based on the three evaluation results, researcher plans the training goals for technical personnel and work out the department establishment and integration. The evaluation results are summarized as follows: 1. The indispensable proficient skill for electrical and electronic technical worker was converged into 23 core duties and 171 professional competences. 2. For entry-level technical skilled worker, there are 12 Indispensable proficiency and 18 Technical competences, 15 proficiency and 22 competences are required, while 20 proficiency and 52 competences are recommended. For mid-level technician, there are 9 Indispensable proficiency and 10 competences, 23 proficiency and 83 competences are required, while 23 proficiency and 54 competences are recommended. For high-level technologist or engineer, there are 15 Indispensable professional duties and 28 competences, 23 professional duties and 65 competences are required, while 23 professional duties and 84 competences are recommended. 3. Vocational schools are aiming at cultivating students with proficiencies of operation, installation, and maintenance for electrical and electronic appliance, while proficiencies of application and inspection are the sub-goal. As for the two-year junior colleges, proficiencies of Application, Inspection, and analysis are the main developing competencies, while Design the second. Moreover, for colleges and universities of technology, Application, Inspection, Management, Research and Development are the major developing competencies. 4. For Electrical and Electronic Cluster in vocational high schools, the 5 professional duties --Electrical and Electronic Instrument, Digital Logic Circuits, Electronic Circuits, Industrial Electronic, Micro-processors/ Single Chip—and 26 technical competencies are the core proficiency, while the cluster proficiency is including 18 professional duties and 70 technical competences. 5. For Electrical and Electronic Cluster in two-year junior colleges, the 5 professional duties –Electrical and Electronic Instrument, Digital Logic Circuits, Electronic Circuits, Computer Software, Internet—and 25 technical competencies are the core proficiency, while the cluster proficiency is including 18 professional duties and 81 technical competences. 6. For Electrical and Electronic Cluster in colleges and universities of technology, the 5 professional duties –Electrical and Electronic Instrument, Digital Logic Circuits, Electronic Circuits, Computer Software, Internet—and 25 technical competencies are the core proficiency, while the cluster proficiency is including 5 professional duties and 91 technical competences. 7. The well-organized integration of professional competencies in vocational education system is illustrated as chart 6-1. As it is shown, the entry-level skilled workers, equipped with proficiencies of operation, installation and maintenance, can get further training opportunity in two-year junior colleges becoming a mid-leveltechnical personnel with proficiencies of application, inspection, analysis and design. Furthermore, the advanced education in colleges and universities of technology will cultivate them to be high-level technologists, who are well-equipped with proficiencies of application, inspection, analysis, design, management, research and development. Based on the study and results, about the vocational and Technological education curriculum development, continuing curriculum design, plan of curriculum alignment, major program in comprehensive high school, transformation of senior vocational high school into community college, researcher proposed some feasible recommendation for future advanced studies and for further planning on department establishment and development in vocational and technological schools.en_US
dc.subjectelectrical and electronic clusteren_US
dc.subjecttechnological and vocational educationen_US
dc.subjectprofessional competenceen_US
dc.subjectoccupational analysisen_US
dc.subjectDelphi techniqueen_US


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