

足球選手身高、體重及年齡與比賽成績之相關性---以2004年世界盃五人制足球錦標賽為例 中華民國95年6月 研究生:高瑞隆 指導教授:程瑞福 摘要 本研究對象以參加2004年世界盃足球錦標賽選手,其身高、體重及年齡與比賽成績之相關性為研究對象。本研究目的為:一、十六強身高、體重及年齡之差異分析。二、八強與中華隊身高、體重及年齡之差異分析。三、四強與中華隊身高、體重及年齡之差異分析。四、四強身高、體重及年齡在名次預測之分析。經研究資料處理: 1.十六強身高、體重及年齡之分析結果為:在身高、體重及年齡的差異上均有達顯著水準。簡言之,有明顯差異的隊伍就屬亞洲地區的中華台北、泰國、澳洲及美洲的巴拉圭。 2.八強與中華隊,身高、體重及年齡之分析結果為:在身高方面,中華隊在八強當中並沒有太多差異,未達顯著性水準。但在體重及年齡方面,則有明顯差異性。 3.四強與中華隊身高、體重及年齡之分析結果為:在身高、體重及年齡三方面均達顯著水準。但也只有中華隊與前四強有著明顯差異。因此,更顯現選材的重要性。 4.四強在身高、體重及年齡對名次預測之相關分析,身高具有明顯相關。但在,體重、年齡方面就未達顯著影響。 關鍵詞:五人制足球、足球、身高、體重、年齡、Futsal
The relevancy of height, weight, and age of football players to the scores of a football match— exemplified by the FIFA Futsal 2004 world cup championship Abstract: The research is to study the football players’ height, weight, and age in relation to the scores of a football match. The purpose of the research is to: (A.) analyze the difference of height, weight, and age from sixteen countries; (B.) analyze the difference of height, weight, and age among the teams of the eight countries and Chinese Taipei; (C.) analyze the difference of height, weight, and age among the teams of the four countries and Chinese Taipei; and (D.) analyze the prediction of the ranks according to the height, weight, and age of the four countries. The research is handled through: 1. The result o the analysis of the height, weight, and age of the sixteen countries shows: It doesn’t reach the prominent level in matters of the difference in height, weight, and age. In short, the teams that show prominent difference exist in Chinese Taipei, Thailand, Australia and Paraguay. 2. The result of the analysis of height, weight, and age of the eight countries and Chinese Taipei shows: In height, there is not much difference among Chinese Taipei and eight countries. Therefore, the difference is not prominent. 3. The result of the analysis of height, weight, and age of the eight countries and Chinese Taipei shows: The prominent level is reached in terms of height, weight, and age among the four countries and Chinese Taipei. However, only the team of Chinese Taipei shows great difference from the top four countries. As a result, it shows all the more the importance of body type selection. 4. The effect of the analysis towards the prediction of ranks according to the height, weight, and age of the four countries shows that there id prominent relevancy in height. Nevertheless, it doesn’t show as much importance as in weight and age. Key Wards: Futsal, football, height, weight, age.



五人制足球, 足球, 身高, 體重, 年齡, Futsal, Football, Height, weight, age

