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Abstract "Shadows" have been an interesting issue since ancient times. Simply defined, shadows are simplified human images. When we look at a shadow, it doesn't have any expressions. Thus, looking at it, we are more imaginative. As a result, the shadow has multiple images in our mind's eye. This creation expresses an interesting dimension through multiple features of shadows and digital artistic technique. In this dimension, there are not only flat images, but also multiple sense of dimension through projection and equipment. During the process of creation, we set man and woman as the discussed theme. In modern society, we have some confusion of genders. What's more, we must have the trait of possessing each other. And we express the theme by using the ambiguity of shadows. In addition to the image of two dimension, and the projection and equipment of three dimension, we have the fourth dimension, time. Moreover, by the planning of dimension, I use the effect of watching movies. While the visitors are viewing my works, they are like entering a black box with infinite imagination. As far as the research is concerned, I use the discussion of documents and the analysis of examples to achieve the following purposes. 1. Discuss the impression of shadows in human's mind through the discussion of documents. 2. Research and analyze the multiple dimension between the flat and real dimension through the document. Besides, discuss and anylyze how to produce the feeling of multiple dimension through the examples. 3. Combine digital art, projecting art and post-modern thought, and express an interesting scene and situation through projection. key words: shadow、digital technical art、equipment art、projecting.
Abstract "Shadows" have been an interesting issue since ancient times. Simply defined, shadows are simplified human images. When we look at a shadow, it doesn't have any expressions. Thus, looking at it, we are more imaginative. As a result, the shadow has multiple images in our mind's eye. This creation expresses an interesting dimension through multiple features of shadows and digital artistic technique. In this dimension, there are not only flat images, but also multiple sense of dimension through projection and equipment. During the process of creation, we set man and woman as the discussed theme. In modern society, we have some confusion of genders. What's more, we must have the trait of possessing each other. And we express the theme by using the ambiguity of shadows. In addition to the image of two dimension, and the projection and equipment of three dimension, we have the fourth dimension, time. Moreover, by the planning of dimension, I use the effect of watching movies. While the visitors are viewing my works, they are like entering a black box with infinite imagination. As far as the research is concerned, I use the discussion of documents and the analysis of examples to achieve the following purposes. 1. Discuss the impression of shadows in human's mind through the discussion of documents. 2. Research and analyze the multiple dimension between the flat and real dimension through the document. Besides, discuss and anylyze how to produce the feeling of multiple dimension through the examples. 3. Combine digital art, projecting art and post-modern thought, and express an interesting scene and situation through projection. key words: shadow、digital technical art、equipment art、projecting.
影子, 數位科技藝術, 裝置藝術, 投影藝術, shadow, digital technical art, equipment art, projecting.