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  本研究旨在探討臺南市國中學生對媒體中的性別意識型態判讀情形,以瞭解學生個人背景變項(性別、年級、社經地位)與媒體使用行為變項(使用媒體時數、使用媒體動機、最常接觸的媒體內容、家人陪同閱聽情形、和他人討論媒體內容情形)等因素,對其對媒體中的性別意識型態判讀能力的影響。本研究採問卷調查法,計回收有效問卷916份。所得資料經以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關等進行統計分析,主要研究結果如下: 一、臺南市國中學生對媒體中的性別意識型態之整體判讀能力良好。 二、臺南市國中學生對媒體中的「性別歧視」層面之判讀能力甚佳;對媒體中的「性別刻板印象」層面之判讀能力有待加強。 三、女生對媒體中的性別意識型態之判讀能力較男生佳。 四、二年級和三年級學生在對媒體中的性別意識型態判讀能力較一年級學生高。 五、高家庭社經地位學生對媒體中的性別意識型態之判讀能力較低社經地位學生高。 六、學生使用媒體時數愈長,其對媒體中的性別意識型態之判讀能力愈差。 七、使用媒體動機為「滿足個人好奇心」、「獲取新資訊」及「瞭解別人對事情的看法」之學生對媒體中的性別意識型態部分層面之判讀能力較佳。 八、常接觸媒體內容不同之學生對媒體中的性別意識型態之判讀能力有顯著差異。 九、家人陪同閱聽情形不同的學生對媒體中的性別意識型態判讀能力有顯著差異。 十、和他人一同討論媒體內容有助於國中學生在對媒體中的性別意識型態的判讀。   根據研究結果加以討論,研究者對教育相關機構及人員、家庭教育及未來研究等分別提出建議,以供各相關人員及後續研究者參考。
This study aims to investigate the situation of the interpretation of gender ideology in the media of junior high school students in Tainan City. In addition, this study examines the differences in interpretation capabilities of the gender ideology in the media due to the variables of the students' background and media behavior.. This study used a questionnaire for data collection. By stratified cluster sampling, a total of 966 students were sampled and valid questionnaires amounted to 916 copies. Then, the collected data were analyzed through statistical methods such as t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson correlation in SPSS Statistics 20. The results of this study are summarized as follows. 1.The overall interpretation capacity of the gender ideology in the media of junior high school students in Tainan City was good. 2.The interpretation capability of “sex discrimination” in the media of junior high school students in Tainan City is very good, and the interpretation capability of “gender stereotypes” in the media needs to be strengthened. 3.On the whole, girls had better interpretation capacity of the gender ideology in the media than boys. 4.The 8th and 9th grade students had better interpretation capacity of the gender ideology in the media than the 7th graders. 5.The students of high family socioeconomic status had better interpretation capacity of the gender ideology in the media than the students of low family socioeconomic status. 6.The longer the students use the media, the worse the interpretation capability of the gender ideology in the media. 7.Students who used the media on the motivation to satisfy personal curiosity, to acquire new information and to understand other people's opinions had better interpretation capabilities of some aspects of gender ideology in the media. 8.Students had access to different media contents with significant differences in the interpretation of the gender ideology in the media. 9.Family members accompanied the students to use the media of different situation there are significant differences in gender ideology in the media interpretation capabilities. 10.Students who discuss the media content with others will improve their interpretation capability of the gender ideology in the media. Based on the research findings, several suggestions are offerd for authorities of educationl administration, family education and future practice and research.



性別意識型態, 媒體識讀, gender ideology, media literacy

