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台灣的英美文學研究已有可觀成績,但英美文學的翻譯品質較 少系統性的全面研究。台灣翻譯史研究的一大阻礙就是舊譯充斥:台灣於1949-1987年間出版的文學翻譯,甚多為大陸1949年以前舊譯或香港譯本,但因為政治因素,出版資料混亂不實,許多出版社不署譯者姓名或托以假名出版,造成翻譯史研究不易。已出版的數種翻譯書目資料往往有譯者不明或初版年代不明的缺憾。鑒於此,本文目標在於釐清舊譯譯者及初版年代,收錄19世紀英美小說1949-1987年在台灣流通的全譯本,包括英美作者15位共計作品44種,藉此看出諸位作家在台灣最具影響力的作品為何,以及這些作品的主流譯本為何、譯者何人,以期能建構更完整全面的台灣翻譯史,並對英美文學的接受史研究及翻譯研究有所貢獻。
Although research of British and American literature by Taiwan scholars has made impressive advances in past decades, Chinese translations of these works have been overlooked by major academic research projects. The first difficulty lies in ascertaining when and who did translations. Since many translations of famous novels published in Taiwan were initially published in mainland China before 1949 or in Hong Kong, and since the names of translators might not be shown for political reasons, it is sometimes difficult to identify the real translator. As a result, research on translation history is hindered. Thus this essay aims to identify authentic translators and the years of first publication of a selection of translations— a bibliography of 42 titles of 15 major 19th century British and American novelists. These translations are complete renderings, which circulated in Taiwan from 1949 to 1987. It is hoped that this archaeological work and bibliography will contribute to the construction of a more comprehensive history of translated literature in Taiwan, and contribute to studies of the reception of British and American literature, as well.
Although research of British and American literature by Taiwan scholars has made impressive advances in past decades, Chinese translations of these works have been overlooked by major academic research projects. The first difficulty lies in ascertaining when and who did translations. Since many translations of famous novels published in Taiwan were initially published in mainland China before 1949 or in Hong Kong, and since the names of translators might not be shown for political reasons, it is sometimes difficult to identify the real translator. As a result, research on translation history is hindered. Thus this essay aims to identify authentic translators and the years of first publication of a selection of translations— a bibliography of 42 titles of 15 major 19th century British and American novelists. These translations are complete renderings, which circulated in Taiwan from 1949 to 1987. It is hoped that this archaeological work and bibliography will contribute to the construction of a more comprehensive history of translated literature in Taiwan, and contribute to studies of the reception of British and American literature, as well.