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此研究的終極目標在於探究孤立的量子系統如何達到熱平衡。為此,我們打造一個帶自旋的原子玻色-愛因思坦凝結實驗,除了可觀察量子氣體達熱平衡動態過程之外,亦可測試一些關於熱平衡的必要條件及假說, 包含本徵態熱平衡假說、以及系統的可積性等。
In this thesis, we aimed to study the dynamics of thermalization in aclosed quantum system. We constructed an atomic spinor Bose-Einsteincondensates (BEC) experiment to study the related issues. The spinor BECprovides a suitable platform to test the theories about thermalization in anisolated environment. Our spinor system will enable the tests of the relatedtheories, such as the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) and theintegrability of the quantum system.Meanwhile, we provide an example of quantum simulation. We demonstrated the spin-orbital angular momentum coupling in spinor BEC. Thephenomenon reveals the spatial dependent distribution of angular momentum. It is capable to control such coupling by engineering our laser light.keywords: spinor BEC, synthetic gauge field, thermalization of closedsystems
In this thesis, we aimed to study the dynamics of thermalization in aclosed quantum system. We constructed an atomic spinor Bose-Einsteincondensates (BEC) experiment to study the related issues. The spinor BECprovides a suitable platform to test the theories about thermalization in anisolated environment. Our spinor system will enable the tests of the relatedtheories, such as the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) and theintegrability of the quantum system.Meanwhile, we provide an example of quantum simulation. We demonstrated the spin-orbital angular momentum coupling in spinor BEC. Thephenomenon reveals the spatial dependent distribution of angular momentum. It is capable to control such coupling by engineering our laser light.keywords: spinor BEC, synthetic gauge field, thermalization of closedsystems
帶自旋玻色子, 封閉系統熱平衡, 自旋-角動量耦合, spinor BEC, synthetic gauge field, thermalization of closed systems