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摘要 本研究目的為探討臺北市國中學生個人背景、媒體使用行為、健康資訊搜尋行為與健康資訊素養、電子健康素養之關係。受測學生自臺北市國中抽樣選出,共抽出15所,回收有效問卷758份。研究主要發現如下: 一、受測學生過去一週最常使用的媒體為看電視、手機(含上網)、電腦上網,平均每週各約使用9小時。最常使用的網路功能為社群網站(如Facebook)(一週平均4天)。 二、受測學生表示,平均每個月約有數次從家人或親戚、網路、學校老師、雜誌或報紙、書籍或手冊、朋友或同學、電視或收音機獲得健康資訊。 三、受測學生之健康資訊素養與電子健康素養皆傾向中上程度。 四、複迴歸分析結果顯示,受測學生為女生、課業表現較佳、較常聽廣播、較常用電子郵件、健康資訊搜尋行為頻率較多,其健康資訊素養較好。 五、複迴歸分析結果顯示,受測學生較常使用網路聊天室、健康資訊搜尋行為頻率較多、健康資訊素養得分較高,其電子健康素養較好。  建議學校可舉辦有關健康資訊素養與電子健康素養的教學活動,期能增進學生健康資訊素養與電子健康素養。
Abstract The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among students’ demographic backgrounds, their media use behavior, their health information-seeking behavior, their health information literacy, and their eHealth literacy. A total of students were randomly selected from 15 junior high schools in Taipei. There were 758 valid questionnaires. The major findings were as follows: 1.Participating students dedicated an average of 9 hours per week to each of the following activities: watching TV, using cell phones (including the Internet), and computers. 2.Students obtained health information from either family members, the Internet, school teachers, magazines/newspapers, books/pamphlets, peers, or TV/radio several times each month. 3.Students had health information literacy and eHealth literacy that was higher than mid-level. 4.Multiple regression analysis showed that students who were female had better academic performance, had an increased frequency of listening to the radio, used e-mail, sought health information more frequently were more likely to have better health information literacy. 5.Multiple regression analysis showed that students who used chat rooms more often, seek health information more frequently, and had a higher information literacy score were more likely to have higher degree of eHealth literacy. The results of the present study suggest a need for the implementation of educational intervention to enhance students’ health information literacy and eHealth literacy.



電子健康素養, 健康資訊素養, 媒體使用行為, 健康資訊搜尋行為, 國中學生, eHealth literacy, health information literacy, media usage behavior, health information seeking behavior, junior high school students

