婚姻教育自學性書籍之內容分析 -以基督教書籍為例

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本研究旨在了解基督教的婚姻教育自學性書籍所呈現的出版現況和內容現況。書籍資料的搜集是透過業界專家的推薦,共計19本書做為本研究分析樣本。研究採內容分析法,出版現況的部份,呈現書籍的出版社資訊、作者的學歷與職業、原著來源、參考文獻標註情形、學習輔助運用情形。內容現況的部份,呈現教育主題五大面向的內容。研究結果發現如下: 一、出版現況 1.本研究所分析的書籍共可歸納為12家出版社。 2.作者學歷的部分,沒有說明作者的學歷情況者為最多。作者職業的部分,具有神職人員身分者為最多。 3.作品原著來源,華人作者出版的書籍有2本,其餘17本為翻譯作品。 4.參考文獻標註,列有文獻的書籍有12本,沒列文獻的數量為7本。 5.學習輔助的運用情形,共有16本書附有相關學習資料,而學習輔助的類型中,可分為用於輔助內文說明的學習資源有16本,以及延伸性的學習資源有9本。 二、內容現況 1.「認識婚姻」的面向中,婚姻的意義討論篇幅極多。歸納所談論的內容,可分為聖經對婚姻的看法、維繫婚姻姻有的信念和能力、婚姻的類型。 2.「自我探索」的面向中,歸納內容可分為「原生家庭」、「社會文化影響」、「特質與差異」,其中「特質與差異」討論篇幅最多。 3.「雙人關係」的面向中,歸納內容可分為「建立婚姻的角色」、「性與親密情感」、「生活習性適應」,其中性與親密情感討論篇幅最多。 4.「家庭生活經營」的面向中,歸納內容可分為「管理家庭資源」、「為人父母的準備」、「工作與家庭」、「衝突與溝通的技巧規則」、「姻親關係」、「生活目標規劃」、「宗教或靈性的追求」,其中「衝突與溝通的技巧規則」討論篇幅最多。 5. 「社交關係」面向中,歸納所談論的內容,主要為社交對象的選擇與建立社交對象的分類。
This study aimed to understand the publication status and content status of Christian self-help books on marriage education.The books which choosed for analytic samples are collected from experts who devoted in marriage& family education.There are nineteen books in this study. A content analysis method was adopted to find out the publication status which included the Press information、the education level and vocations of the authors、whether to translated、if the books have show the references、if the books have additional learning aids, and also find out the content status which included five dimensions of educational themes.The results are shown in the following parts: 1. The publication status a. There are twelve publishers in this study. b. Most of the books do not show the author’s education level and the vocation of the authors who are a minister are most commom in this study . c. There are two books which written by Chinese authors,others are translated. d. Twelve books have listed their references, nine books haven’t. e. Sixteen books have additional learning aids which all of them are used for Supporting text.Moreover, nine of them also have extensive learning resources. 2. The content status a. In 「knowing about marriage」dimension, the meaning of marriage discussed most which included bible opinions、marriage belief and capacities、marriage types. b. In 「self-explored」dimension, the content can be divided into three sub- themes which are 「family of original effect」、「social context effect」、「traits and differences」. 「traits and differences」are discussed most. c. In 「couple relationship」dimension, the content can be divided into three sub- themes, which are「marriage roles」、「sex and intimacy」、「adjusting personal habits」. 「sex and intimacy」are discussed most. d. In 「family life managemant」dimension, the content can be divided into six sub- themes, which are「family resource management」、「prepare to be parents」、「work and family」、「conflict and communication」、「kinship」、「religion and spirit」. 「conflict and communication」are discussed most. e. In 「social relationship」dimension, the main content are social relationship selection and building classification for social relationship.



婚姻教育, 自學性書籍, 基督教, marriage education, self-help book, christian





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