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中文摘要 本研究旨在以「國民中學學生學習成就標準本位評量」為主軸,依照新領綱之學習表現設計單元評分規準,透過行動研究的方式了解標準評量在綜合活動領域教學活動實施情形。 自十二年國民教育實施之後,傳統的升學考試不再是入學最主要的方式,多元方式的入學管道取代了單一紙筆測驗。因此,經過事先預定的標準而設計的標準參照評量模式成為素養導向不可或缺的重要評量方案,提供教學者明白學生學習情況,並據以調整教學內容。學生也可依照個人狀況,設立可以達成的學習目標。為此,本研究基於理解與了解實施現況等目的,設計以素養導向之標準本位評量,以行動研究之方式,設計依據學習表現描述所擬定之單元評分規準下的評量活動實際運用於教學現場之情形。 研究結論發現如下: 一、 評量發展流程可以分為六步驟: (一)確定教學單元與內容。 (二)選取評量標準,分析等級表現描述。 (三)將等級表現描述,轉化單元評分規準。 (四)設計評量活動及工具 。 (五)單元評分規準再確認。 (六)實施評量活動並依據評量結果調整相關設計。 二、單元評分規準文字敘述的具體程度會影響評量活動實施之難易度。具體的文字敘述可以降低評量活動實施之困難度。 三、多元的評量方式可以因應不同特質學生展現學習成果。 四、透過課程共備與專業社群對話可以使評量活動發展與實施更為順暢。 五、行政管理主管機關於新評量制度的推行上尚需多方協助與推廣。 最後,依據本研究實施結果,認為以素養導向標準本位評量模式運用於國民中學綜合活動領域的評量活動上是具有未來及可行性的。 關鍵字:綜合活動領域、標準本位評量、單元評分規準
Abstract This study purposed a new standard-based assessment of learning achievement for junior high school students by the new guidelines. With field survey, this study was able to conclude how units rating criteria work in the domain of leadership and integrative activities tutoring in practice. Since 12-year of compulsory education was put into practice, traditional paper tests were no longer trendy, and were replaced by multi-admission alternatives. As a result, it become essential to design the standard-based assessment in advance that helped the tutors have better understandings of students’ learning conditions in order to adjust the lectures if necessary. On the other hand, the students were also able to get knowing of their own learning conditions so that they can set up appropriate goals accordingly. To achieve so, this study purposed designing new humanity-accomplishment-oriented standard-based assessment. Moreover, with field survey, this study also targeted to discuss how these assesment works in practice. The conclusions were as below, 1.The process of assesment development was divided by 6 steps: (1) Confirmed the materials of lectures. (2) Defined the standards of assesment and analyze the qualitative descriptions of ranked performances. (3) Turned the qualitative descriptions of ranked performances into practical tne rules of units rating criteria. (4) Designed the tools of assesment. (5) Double checked the standards and the tools of assesment. (6) Executed and adjusted the essentials accordingly. 2. Wordings of units rating criteria are influential on the difficulties of execution. Precise wordings make it smooth. 3. Multiway of assesment enable students with different traits fully displayed their capabilities. 4. With common lecture preparation and professional dialogues, the development and the execution of assesment were able to work better. 5. Administrations in charge still have a long way to go in the track of assisting promoting new standard-based assessment. At last, according to the final result of this study, it showed that there surely were possibilities to apply the humanity-accomplishment-oriented standardization of assesment to the assesment of integrative activities in junior high school in the future. Key Words: integrative activities, standard-based assessment, units rating criteria



綜合活動領域, 標準本位評量, 單元評分規準, integrative activities, standard-based assesment, units rating criteria





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