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臺灣農業屬於小規模農經營型態,農場組織較小,近年受到全球氣候變化、俄烏戰爭、國際貿易保護主義(Trade Protectionism)等影響,在新消費時代的來臨,如何協助地方農民透過農產品牌化(Branding)快速面對消費市場變化是本創作研究重要的課題。本創作研究以雲林縣斗南鎮為創作研究範例,採用「個案研究法」、「深度訪談法」、「問卷調查法」等實證法之研究架構,首先透過文獻分析暸解地方創生、品牌及農產品發展脈絡,其次借鏡國外的地方創生之作法與地方品牌之經驗與趨勢脈絡,透過各國的地方品牌經營之個案研究,分析探尋地方品牌發展趨勢,與地方農業業者、政府機關、研究輔導推廣、農業品牌顧問等相關農業專家的深度訪談梳理後,評估斗南鎮的農產品品牌的建構,了解斗南鎮農產品的特色和價值。本創作研究將依據上述之研究脈絡為斗南鎮的農產品品牌創作出獨特的、辨識度高的設計範例,將設計範例成果經問卷調查與分析後,完成執行效度評估。本創作研究得出以下結論與發現:(1)建立地方品牌特色是各國帶動鄉村振興的重要方向(2)永續議題成為地方品牌發展與消費者偏好的重要考慮因素(3)強化差異化優勢並創作出獨特且具辨識度的創新設計範例。以上研究,提供日後從事地方農業品牌設計和後續研究者之參考。
Taiwan's agriculture is characterized by small-scale farming operations and relatively small farm organizations. In recent years, it has been influenced by global climate change, the Russian-Ukrainian War, and international trade protectionism. With the emergence of the new consumer era, how to assist local farmers in quickly adapting to changes in the consumer market through agricultural branding has become an important topic of this creative research. This creative research takes Dounan Town,Yunlin County as a case study and adopts an empirical research framework consisting of case studies, in-depth interviews, and questionnaire surveys. The research begins by conducting a literature analysis to understand the context of local development, branding, and agricultural product development. It then draws insights from international practices in local development and branding trends, analyzing case studies of local brand management from various countries to explore the development trends of local brands. In-depth interviews with relevant agricultural experts from industry, government, and academia are conducted to evaluate the brand construction of Dounan Town's agricultural products and understand their unique characteristics and value. Based on the research context described above, this creative research aims to create unique and highly recognizable design examples for the agricultural product brand of Dounan Town. The design examples will be subjected to a questionnaire survey and analysis to assess their effectiveness. The research findings and conclusions include: (1) Establishing distinctive local brand characteristics is an important directionfor promoting rural revitalization in various countries. (2) Sustainability issues have become important considerations for the development of local brands and consumer preferences. (3) Strengthening differentiation advantages and creating unique and identifiable innovative design examples. This research provides a reference for future endeavors in local agricultural brand design and subsequent studies.
Taiwan's agriculture is characterized by small-scale farming operations and relatively small farm organizations. In recent years, it has been influenced by global climate change, the Russian-Ukrainian War, and international trade protectionism. With the emergence of the new consumer era, how to assist local farmers in quickly adapting to changes in the consumer market through agricultural branding has become an important topic of this creative research. This creative research takes Dounan Town,Yunlin County as a case study and adopts an empirical research framework consisting of case studies, in-depth interviews, and questionnaire surveys. The research begins by conducting a literature analysis to understand the context of local development, branding, and agricultural product development. It then draws insights from international practices in local development and branding trends, analyzing case studies of local brand management from various countries to explore the development trends of local brands. In-depth interviews with relevant agricultural experts from industry, government, and academia are conducted to evaluate the brand construction of Dounan Town's agricultural products and understand their unique characteristics and value. Based on the research context described above, this creative research aims to create unique and highly recognizable design examples for the agricultural product brand of Dounan Town. The design examples will be subjected to a questionnaire survey and analysis to assess their effectiveness. The research findings and conclusions include: (1) Establishing distinctive local brand characteristics is an important directionfor promoting rural revitalization in various countries. (2) Sustainability issues have become important considerations for the development of local brands and consumer preferences. (3) Strengthening differentiation advantages and creating unique and identifiable innovative design examples. This research provides a reference for future endeavors in local agricultural brand design and subsequent studies.
斗南鎮, 地方創生, 品牌形象設計, 農產品, Dounan Town, local creation, brand image design, agricultural products