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構式語法主張構式為形式與意義及功能的結合體,每一個構式都有其獨特的語義及篇章功能,即便是兩種語意相近的構式,其篇章功能必不同(Goldberg, 1992)。構式語法重視整體構式義與功能的論點為語言學習提供新的學習方式,有別於以往只注重形式的學習,構式語法重視語言使用功能,除增加學習者對構式義的了解也讓語言的學習更全面。由於現今有關構式語法與二語教學及學習的研究不多,本研究旨在探究基於構式語法的教學對現代漢語雙及物構式語法及功能學習之成效。雙賓構式與介賓構式為語義相近,功能(信息結構)不同的兩種雙及物構式。與介賓構式相比,當領事論元為已知信息時,常傾向以雙賓構式表達(Goldberg, 2003)。
本研究實驗對象為27位華語初級學習者,其中11位接受語法翻譯教學法(控制組),16位接受構式觀教學(實驗組)。兩組分別於實驗前後進行語法合法度判斷測驗(grammaticality judgement test)與引導式問答測驗,前者檢測兩組語法知識學習之成效,後者則檢視兩組對構式功能(信息結構)之了解。研究結果顯示:(一)兩組在語法合法度判斷後測的表現並無顯著差異,實驗組與控制組學習成效皆顯著高於前測。(二)在引導式問答題上,實驗組學習成效顯著高於控制組,尤其是在處理信息結構上,實驗組較控制組了解如何依據對話中的新舊信息選擇合適的構式回答。本研究結果說明構式觀教學能幫助學習者了解兩構式間的功能差異,並能夠在對話中使用合適的構式。
Construction grammar (CxG) proposed that “constructions” are form-meaning pairs. Every construction is characterized by particular semantics and discourse functions. Two constructions with similar meaning must be different in functions (Goldberg, 1992). The emphasis on meaning and function provides a new approach to learning. Unlike the past that emphasized the form, CxG values the function. Such approach helps learners learn language in a more integrated way. Since few studies focus on CxG-based instruction on second language teaching and learning, this research aims to investigate the effect of the CxG-based instruction on Chinese ditransitive constructions. The ditransitive and prepositional paraphrases are forms that share similar semantics, but different functions. When the recipient argument is a given information in the discourse, ditransitive construction is used more often than prepositional paraphrases (Goldberg, 2003). 27 Chinese learners at the beginning level participated in this study. 11 learners were in the Grammar Translation Method group (the control group), while 16 learners were under CxG-based instruction (the experimental group). Both groups took the Grammaticality judgement pre- and post-test, and oral production pre- and post-task. The former test was to examine the effect on grammar knowledge learning; the latter aims at the learning effect of discourse functions. The result shows that no significant difference between two groups in grammaticality judgement posttest. In the oral production post-task, the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group, especially in tackling the information structure. They gain a better understanding of Construction functions. CxG-based instruction enables learners to realize functions between two constructions, and know how to use it properly in the conversation.
Construction grammar (CxG) proposed that “constructions” are form-meaning pairs. Every construction is characterized by particular semantics and discourse functions. Two constructions with similar meaning must be different in functions (Goldberg, 1992). The emphasis on meaning and function provides a new approach to learning. Unlike the past that emphasized the form, CxG values the function. Such approach helps learners learn language in a more integrated way. Since few studies focus on CxG-based instruction on second language teaching and learning, this research aims to investigate the effect of the CxG-based instruction on Chinese ditransitive constructions. The ditransitive and prepositional paraphrases are forms that share similar semantics, but different functions. When the recipient argument is a given information in the discourse, ditransitive construction is used more often than prepositional paraphrases (Goldberg, 2003). 27 Chinese learners at the beginning level participated in this study. 11 learners were in the Grammar Translation Method group (the control group), while 16 learners were under CxG-based instruction (the experimental group). Both groups took the Grammaticality judgement pre- and post-test, and oral production pre- and post-task. The former test was to examine the effect on grammar knowledge learning; the latter aims at the learning effect of discourse functions. The result shows that no significant difference between two groups in grammaticality judgement posttest. In the oral production post-task, the experimental group significantly outperformed the control group, especially in tackling the information structure. They gain a better understanding of Construction functions. CxG-based instruction enables learners to realize functions between two constructions, and know how to use it properly in the conversation.
構式觀教學, 現代漢語雙及物構式, 以使用為基礎, 信息結構, CxG-based instruction, Usage-based Theory, Chinese Ditransitive Construction, Information Structure