根據以上結果,使用心智圖(mind map)以及人物誌設計法(Persona)整理歸納設計方向如下:
1. 針對空巢子女:由問卷可知,子女接觸頻繁程度最多的廣告形式是網路廣告,可以藉由此管道採鼓勵或提醒的方式促使子女與父母聯絡,協助舒緩空巢父母的不適應感,並增進親子關係。
2. 針對空巢父母:為了宣導父母提早調適,以鼓勵空巢族及早做好生涯規劃為主要發展方向。
Due to the change of family structure, social structure, and the growing urban-rural differences, many children left their parents and live somewhere out their hometown. According to the research of family cycle by Duvall, the parents who start to live by themselves without a child enter the period called "Empty nest". However, the researches of empty nest are neither abundant in our country, nor applicable to promotion design. As a result, the research is focused on the “empty nesters” and their needs for advanced promotion. By conducting 158 questionnaire surveys for the children of the empty nesters, the researcher attempts to figure out the interaction between parents and children, also the frequencies of advertisings the children contact with. Furthermore, select 4 parents purposive sampling and hold semi-structural interviews which focused on the interactions between parents and children, the opinions of empty nest and the view for the promotion. The result shows that 77% children have worried about the condition of their parents’ life after they left home. Most of the children contact with their parents once to twice per week, and 58% children think that the parent-child relationship has improved since they left home. The trigger of contact is mostly by the regard from parents, about 81% of all. The interviews of parents show that most parents have no ideas with "empty nester" before they become one of them. Parents also indicate that playing a part in further education, cultivating interests, and retrieving the activities which were fond of in the past might be helpful for the empty nesters. According to the results above, researcher used Mind map and Persona as design methods to conclude the design instruction: 1. Children as the Target: The possibility for children to browse web advertising is the most. Thus, designers can design some web ads to remind or encourage children to stay in touch with their parents. 2. Parents as the target: In order to get used to the new period of family cycle more smoothly, reminder for preparing a new life in advance is the main direction.
Due to the change of family structure, social structure, and the growing urban-rural differences, many children left their parents and live somewhere out their hometown. According to the research of family cycle by Duvall, the parents who start to live by themselves without a child enter the period called "Empty nest". However, the researches of empty nest are neither abundant in our country, nor applicable to promotion design. As a result, the research is focused on the “empty nesters” and their needs for advanced promotion. By conducting 158 questionnaire surveys for the children of the empty nesters, the researcher attempts to figure out the interaction between parents and children, also the frequencies of advertisings the children contact with. Furthermore, select 4 parents purposive sampling and hold semi-structural interviews which focused on the interactions between parents and children, the opinions of empty nest and the view for the promotion. The result shows that 77% children have worried about the condition of their parents’ life after they left home. Most of the children contact with their parents once to twice per week, and 58% children think that the parent-child relationship has improved since they left home. The trigger of contact is mostly by the regard from parents, about 81% of all. The interviews of parents show that most parents have no ideas with "empty nester" before they become one of them. Parents also indicate that playing a part in further education, cultivating interests, and retrieving the activities which were fond of in the past might be helpful for the empty nesters. According to the results above, researcher used Mind map and Persona as design methods to conclude the design instruction: 1. Children as the Target: The possibility for children to browse web advertising is the most. Thus, designers can design some web ads to remind or encourage children to stay in touch with their parents. 2. Parents as the target: In order to get used to the new period of family cycle more smoothly, reminder for preparing a new life in advance is the main direction.
空巢, 廣告, 宣傳, empty nest, advertising, promotion